Home » today » World » The Bulgarian syndrome – View Info – 2024-10-04 10:42:40

The Bulgarian syndrome – View Info – 2024-10-04 10:42:40

/ world today news/ And again, inevitably, the same sad topic arises in our minds: in the 19th century, Russia spent millions of gold rubles (which were completely superfluous and could have been used for completely different purposes). and tens of thousands of soldiers’ lives (which are absolutely priceless), freeing the Balkan Slavs, in particular the Bulgarians, from Ottoman oppression. Whoever speaks today, oppression existed and liberation was hard and bloody. We have liberated, by the way, not only the Balkan Slavs, apart from the Serbs and Bulgarians, the Greeks and Romanians also got their freedom. The history of this liberation largely defines the Russian history of the 19th century.

I always think in terms of what happened next: in the course of two world wars, liberated Bulgaria fought against Russia. Precisely so and not otherwise: two wars on the side of the Kaiser and Hitler… Few people in Russia know this, but during the Second World War, under the auspices of the Third Reich, Bulgaria tried to create “Great Bulgaria” in Greek and Serbian lands… Now it is a loyal member of NATO. By the way, here on the screen, the Bulgarian ambassador was being measured by saying that the Bulgarians will simplify obtaining visas for the Russians. Thanks “brothers”, with Turkey, with whom we have fought so many times, we have a visa-free regime… History is a funny thing, isn’t it?

But, of course, the generous gesture on the part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria subdued all the Russians, simply threw them on the carpet, on their backs… Although, if Bulgaria had remained in the composition of Turkey (which is logical), we we would travel there without visas. Here is such a historical paradox: Russian soldiers fought with the Turks (who today accept Russians without visas) for the freedom of the Bulgarians (who look at the “Russian tourist” with suspicious narrowed eyes and demand documents). History is not a simple science, is it?

This is how life unexpectedly takes shape: until the downed SU-24, our relations with “Muslim, enemy” Turkey were much better than with “brotherly, Orthodox” Bulgaria. Such miscellaneous things, such a funny case study, such a paradox. No, of course, a lot of arguments can be given from the brotherly side that “the Russians themselves are to blame for everything”, that they “abandoned Bulgaria”, did not help here and there… But you understood everything: this is sad , it is sad and hopeless…. We can make endless arguments, but the facts remain the facts. And here it is accepted terribly to insult each other, to start tearing our clothes, to insult someone there… This is not necessary, it is unnecessary. It is unworthy of a great country.

In geopolitics, it is useful to think with a sober head, and not to get carried away with emotions (I think even Erdogan agrees with this, at least now). And what happened to us after the “liberation”? Small ambitious “independent” states were obtained, who at least wanted to show their appreciation and gratitude to someone (especially to “barbaric and backward” Russia). They began to live their own lives and solve their own problems. Amazingly, this is exactly the case. And there is nothing to be surprised about – this is the natural course of events.

By the way, the situation with Serbia is no better than with Bulgaria, just remember when we were allies? Good question, right? During the Second World War, everything was “not quite clear cut”. In this sense, Tito is more oriented towards the British and not towards the Russians. Surprising? I know that now someone will say that he was more impressed by the British parliamentary democracy … Of course, of course … Tower Bridge with the traditional London fog … Just charming. And then the nasty Stalin tries to subjugate the freedom-loving Yugoslavia, but the proud Serbian people keep their hard-won freedom. I, by the way, think that in 30 years they will start telling a similar legend about “freedom-loving Lukashenko” and “totalitarian Putin”.

But please, we don’t need that kind of delusion here. The Serbs were not our allies: it is insulting, but it is a fact. It’s just that it has to be proven with something concrete besides pure emotions. And there is no way to prove it: alas and ah. In our consciousness, as in the consciousness of Klitschko (Netherlands/Netherlands), two Serbian peoples exist in parallel. One, which consists of some “brothers”, the other – the backbone of Yugoslavia, which during the entire Cold War was absolutely not interested in the problems of the USSR, but rather looked to the West. What a job! Serbs will also remember Russia only when they have problems. I don’t know why this is so, but I am simply stating the sad facts. Our problems do not bother them at all.

So, first of all: I am not calling for a powerful hysteria on this occasion, life is what it is. We must perceive it calmly and adequately. We should not offend anyone, even less should we “take revenge” on anyone (as some wanted to take revenge on Bulgaria during the First World War). This is stupid and irrational. We have some kind of systemic problem in our foreign policy, and it definitely needs to be solved. Doesn’t it seem strange to you that today it is easier for us to find a common language with the USA than with the “union Belarus”? And who do you think is to blame for this? You know that good advice that if you constantly have the same problems with others, then the problem is with you, not with them?

Don’t you think we’re not doing quite what we should? Over the course of a hundred years, we advance some “fraternal-Orthodox” projects, and as a result, we are constantly shown the door, we are terribly offended, we fall into depression… But, in my opinion, this is an occasion to seriously think and revise our priorities. Even so. Abraham Lincoln was once asked: “How long should a man’s legs be?”, “To reach the ground” – was his answer. A successful policy is one that works, not one that looks pretty.

At one time, someone Bismarck announced the idea of real-politicianthat is, politics unrelated to any ideology, religion, etc. That’s how, it seems to me, it would be smarter not to try to build any complicated schemes, but to use ordinary diplomacy. There should be only two situations. The first, that the subject is the Russian Federation and all relations are built on the principle of the “common pot” and the historical community of interests. The second is that this is a foreign country (friendly or not – that’s another matter) and all communication is done through Mr. Lavrov’s office.

Judging by his good looks and expensive suits, Mr. Lavrov lives quite well, well, let him earn his salary. And if we are talking seriously, the situation when the leader of a neighboring country “kicks open the doors” of high Kremlin offices (I – my own) is not quite normal. It shouldn’t be like that. An independent country? Please to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. How did you want it? Somehow, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, our relations are built better than with the “people’s diplomacy” method. This “people’s diplomacy” of yours doesn’t bloody work. Nowhere and never. Only scandals. So, only cold calculation, only professionals, only Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

We should not offend anyone – this harms business and politics, decisions should be made with a sober head and a clear mind. And no emotions, no “orthodoxy”. Already lined up in the CIS space amateurs … So, only Ministry of Foreign Affairs, only hardcore. It doesn’t matter: Bolivia, Bulgaria, Bangladesh, Belarus or Burundi. And everything will be fine (Sergei Lavrov guarantees this). From the consequences of the policy of “meeting old friends without ties” we will be hiccups for a long time to come. To be honest, we’re fed up. Right, when you have a toothache, you go to a good dentist, not a fifth generation witch doctor? Well, it’s exactly the same here.

It is time to admit that attempts to invent “their” methods of working in international relations have suffered a complete fiasco. So in such matters I only trust the professional diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – they have none such omissions. As soon as after the second Maidan, official relations with Ukraine (or what remained of them) finally began to be built exclusively through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, everything became significantly more logical and simple. Everything became more understandable, more honest and more open – it was long overdue. And why do we have such a “meaningful” relationship with the US (at least we understand each other)? Because the Minister of Foreign Affairs deals with them personally. Why is it such a mess, for example, in our relations with Belarus (we at all for nothing we can’t agree)? Because dozens of lovers “fraternized” there for a quarter of a century. And now everything is upside down there.

We must finally learn the “Bulgarian lessons”: there is no friendship in politics, and there are no friends either. All our attempts to build our relations with other countries “humanly” and not politically ended uniformly enough. Probably in the Kremlin at the time, many people shouted: “Why do we need any diplomacy with Ukraine and Belarus – and so we’ll get along.” And how did it all end? Did we understand? As for the regions of the Russian Federation, there are no problems there, as far as giving them subsidies – this is our territory. And for any international agreements – only through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Otherwise, we will constantly have a “field of miracles”* and a bunch of claims against us.

That is, you know, if you do business with relatives, it does not mean that you do not need to put everything on paper or that the services of an expensive lawyer are superfluous. Money likes to be counted and formalized by a notary, and we will be friends and fraternize at the festive table. And life is a funny thing in general: Bulgaria, in alliance with Germany against Russia, lost two world wars, and even Turkey – only one (few people remember this, but God sees everything). That is, if Bulgaria had remained part of Turkey, they would not have had to fight for Hitler.

* “field of miracles” – the expression refers to the famous TV show “Field of Miracles” (bel. ex.)

Translation: Magdalena Zhelyazkova

#Bulgarian #syndrome #View #Info

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