Home » today » News » The building law is aimed at the government. The division of building authorities into state and municipal remains

The building law is aimed at the government. The division of building authorities into state and municipal remains

Despite the displeasure of developers and some interest groups, the division of building authorities into state and municipal offices in the administration of mayors remained in the law. At the beginning of the holidays, Dostálová stated that she would consider returning to the original plan, ie that all authorities would go under the state. In the end, however, she complied with the mayors and left the authorities in their jurisdiction.

“The law introduces a new system of state building administration to the regional level and streamlines the network of building authorities at the level of municipalities in delegated powers,” the minister confirmed.

Critics state that the inconsistent system of offices goes against the intention to speed up the permitting procedure, which usually takes many years in the Czech Republic. “We are bothered by the hybrid of municipal and state regional building authorities, which will communicate with each other in a difficult way. In addition, they will remain under pressure from local governments as employees of the municipality, “said the chairman of the Czech Chamber of Architects, Jan Kasl.

The Association of Developers is also criticizing the withdrawal from the original intention. “Without change, it is not possible to achieve the effective fulfillment of the promise of one office, one proceeding, one stamp and a permit within one year,” said Zdeněk Soudný on behalf of the association.

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Even so, the developers themselves consider the law to be a step forward, according to them it is crucial to approve it as soon as possible. “Next year, the current House is coming to an end, and if the new building law does not have time to be approved by then, the preparation of new legislation will begin anew,” said Evžen Korec, CEO of Ekospol. The law is to reduce the permitting process from an average of 5.4 years to one year.

The Building Act has faced several thousand comments and Dostálová considers the current wording of the law to be a compromise. However, a heated debate and a number of amendments are expected in the House.

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For example, conservationists and ecological associations still have criticisms. Representatives of municipalities welcome the fact that Dostálová left the building authorities in their competence, they are not completely satisfied. “Although there are a number of positive proposals in the new draft, such as a major reduction in the illusion of additional permits for black buildings, municipalities strongly disagree with the abolition of more than 400 of the current 700 building authorities,” said Stanislav Polčák (STAN), chairman of the Association of Local Authorities.

“A draft building law with which everyone would agree is not possible. The interest groups that influence the building law are too different. It will therefore be necessary to push the new building law into force, “thinks BH Securities analyst Štěpán Křeček.

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