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The BSP is arguing over whether to stay in power

We are ready to pay a political price, but for Bulgaria to remain stable in this situation, said Christian Vigenin

Socialists to Positano 20: Get out of the coalition of disgrace!

Fear of Stefan Yanev’s party

Heavy debates over whether the BSP should continue to be part of the ruling coalition have begun in the party’s largest structures across the country. Proponents of keeping the BSP in power argue that only the BSP brought common sense to this government. Opponents, however, predict a total collapse of the BSP in the next elections if the party continues to be part of the “Change” decisions and insist that the Reds leave the coalition as soon as possible and go to early elections.

Tensions between the Reds intensified after the resignation of Gen. Stefan Yanev as Minister of Defense. Yanev will announce his new general party, and the biggest fears of the BSP leadership are that there will be another outflow of membership from the Reds. The Socialists from the BSP-Plovdiv City Organization demanded that the BSP National Council suspend the Party’s participation in this “government coalition coalition, which is disastrous for the country.” “By voting for the resignation of Stefan Yanev, the BSP has placed itself in the service of foreign interests, which aim to throw Bulgaria into war, and directly on the front line,” said the Reds from Plovdiv.

From there they came out with a sharp position, in which they directly declare that “the recent actions of the parliamentary group once again demonstrate complete disregard for the will of the Socialists.” “The BSP has no place in a coalition of apologists for the war with the support of GERB. The continuation of the participation in the government serves only the personal interests of part of the BSP leadership “, the Plovdiv Socialists also pointed out, having in mind the vote of the BSP General Assembly for the resignation of Stefan Yanev together with GERB. An argument in favor of the Reds leaving the quadruple coalition is the fact that for the first time the Socialists have only 26 MPs. Increasingly, Positano 20 has been criticized for supporting the coalition only because of personal posts.

“Power always has its price and today it is not only the future of the BSP but also the peaceful existence of our country. If the party leadership does not want to cover itself with the disgrace of Bulgaria’s involvement in a military conflict, it should initiate the departure of this disgraceful coalition as soon as possible “, the Reds from Plovdiv are categorical.

However, their position met with resistance in the face of 47th National Assembly Deputy Speaker Christian Vigenin, who said the coalition was stable. “Especially for the BSP, difficult decisions have to be made, but to leave Bulgaria without a government and parliament in this situation would be extremely irresponsible. We are ready to pay a political price, but for Bulgaria to remain stable in this situation, “Vigenin told BNR.

Almost at the same time, Positano 20 sent to the media the position of BSP-Plovdiv, but from the Regional Council of the party, which turned out to be the opposite of that of the City Organization. “The version that the Regional Council of the BSP-Plovdiv insisted that the BSP suspend its participation in the ruling coalition is absolutely untrue. We fully support the adopted Position of the National Council of the BSP in connection with the war in Ukraine in defense of the full national interest of our country in all its accents, “said the chairman of the BSP-Plovdiv region Emil Karaivanov.

The Reds in the Pirin region are adamant that the party should remain in government for the time being. They do not see any sense in breaking up the coalition at a time when there are crises in the country, and according to the local leadership, Cornelia Ninova has the full support of the structures in the region. In Vidin and Montana the locals are divided, as well as in Ruse and Stara Zagora.

Atanas Zafirov, Deputy Chairman of the BSP General Assembly: Without us, this government will be over

It is absurd in the conditions of a sharp geopolitical crisis, literally on our borders, for the Prime Minister and the Minister of War to speak different languages, such behavior calls into question the life of the whole cabinet, said Atanas Zafirov, chairman of the 47th National Defense Committee. Deputy Chairman of the BSP General Assembly.

“I do not see the logic of Mr. Yanev or a future political project around him to be included in the left political space. He has not demonstrated left-wing policies or views. People from the BSP cannot participate in such a political project. There is no threat to the BSP, “Zafirov said. “The removal of the BSP in any form from this cabinet definitely means the end of this government. It is currently in the national interest to have a stable and predictable government. The BSP is an irrevocable part of this format, which has proven to be working “, Atanas Zafirov was categorical.

Assoc. Prof. Tatiana Burudjieva, political scientist: The price of staying is a loss of trust from her supporters

If he has to leave, it is because they have differences with other parties on very serious political issues that concern major problems not only in Bulgaria but also in our international politics.
If they do not have to leave it, it is because they need power to compensate for electoral losses and problems within the BSP.

The high political price the coalition would pay if it remained is the growing distrust of its own supporters.

Yuri Aslanov, sociologist: If he stays, he will be out of parliament next time

It was initially a mistake for the BSP to join this coalition. It doesn’t matter now. And the highest political price he will have to pay if he stays in power is that next time he will no longer be a parliamentary party.

Georgi Anastasov, Party of the Bulgarian Social Democrats: What they take will be their last

From our point of view, it is better for the BSP to stay in the government so that it can be reset. If they want to keep the party, they have to leave. But they are there because of the scam, whatever they can take, it will be the last. Now Yanev will appear, there will be other leftist projects. Their time is coming.

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