The brother of the former beauty queen, who will be released this year, spoke in prison. He talked about their childhood and terrible tragedies.
An entire country was shaken when Csilla Molnár, the winner of the Magyarország Szépe competition, committed suicide in 1986. THE Glance in an exclusive interview with Ádám Fásy and psychologist Hajnalka Csehák, they tried to decipher what led to the tragedy of the then 17-year-old beauty queen.
Csilla Molnár fell from the greatest heights into the depths. On October 5, 1985, the girl from Fonyód won the Miss Hungary beauty contest at the Congress Center, and in July 1986, the 17-year-old high school girl committed suicide. The paper spoke about Csilla Molnár’s brother, who is in prison for murdering an innocent woman on the streets of Vienna.
A bust of Csilla Molnár was erected in Fonyód/Photo: MTVA/Commissioner: Imre Faludi
He told me about their terrible childhood and family tragedy. Once, for example, his parents went to work, locking them in the garage for safety and having to stay there all day. They knocked in vain, but no one heard them, and in the evening, when the parents got home, they were let out. Their mother planned to take them out of the house because she was about to divorce their father.
The brother also told about his tragedy. He robbed several times on the street. And in 2009, he stabbed a man, who later died. He can be released from prison this year, he would like to work in tourism outside the prison walls.