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The British made an under-barrel jammer for drones

British Drone Defense Company reported on the development of the lightest drone suppression weapon in its class – the E1000MP system. The system can be attached as an underbarrel to a wide range of hand-held firearms, although its means of destruction are usual for such solutions – jamming signals from the operator or intercepting control.

E1000MP grenade mount (Drone Defense)

The range of the E1000MP “gun” is about one km (0.6 miles). The weight of the entire set with tuning equipment and batteries reaches 3.5 kg. Note that a drone jammer does not have to look like hand-held weapons, but it is probably dearer to the heart of a military man.

The E1000MP silencer antennas can operate in two modes: directional and non-directional. In the first case, the interception or defeat of a specific drone is carried out in the line of sight. In the second case, the device creates something like a protective dome, through which drones will not be allowed to fly. In the latter case, it makes even less sense to cling to this weapon.

In the interception mode, the intruder drone can be given the command to land immediately or return to the operator. In the latter case, it will be possible to calculate the point where the intruder sat down. Simple jamming of the operator’s connection to the drone can lead to both scenarios, but controlling the process is always better than blind chance.

E1000MP jamming system kit in “imperial” livery (Drone Defense)

It can be expected that as a result, law enforcement, security agencies and the military will get their hands on simple and not as demonstratively militaristic drone suppression devices as the E1000MP and the like. In the end, ease of use will determine everything, not blind copying of the form.

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