Home » today » Business » The British economy is in recession for the first time in 11 years, with a dark decline of 20 percent in the last quarter | Companies and markets

The British economy is in recession for the first time in 11 years, with a dark decline of 20 percent in the last quarter | Companies and markets

Londn The British economy in the second quarter fell by 19.8 percent compared to the previous month, showing the first of all, published by the British statistical ad. The country is in recession for the first time in 11 years, which is characterized as two quarters of a year of economic decline. The result is still slightly better, not shown in the first place, according to which the decline in the second quarter reached 20.4 percent.


In a year-on-year comparison, the six largest economies in the world fell by 21.5 percent in the second quarter. This is two tenths of a point better result than in the first place.

The UK had the largest covid-19 patient in Europe, with more than 42,000. The drop in gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter was the deepest among large advanced economies, Reuters reported.

From January to March, ie in the period when the effect of the pandemic was not fully manifested, GDP fell by 2.2 percent compared to the previous quarter.

The economy has recovered sharply since May, when quarantine measures began to be imposed in Britain. f British central bank Andrew Bailey said that for the third quarter of the economy will show a mezzanine decline in the range of seven to ten percent.


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