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The brain tumor coffin wasn’t supposed to be here today. She is writing a book on how not to give up

Good and bad results

The MRI, which Bára was preparing for in the summer, exceeded all expectations. Fortunately, the tumor has not grown, but has moved a little and now affects the right half of the body more. Therefore, it is increasingly difficult to control the right hand and foot.

“I walk badly and have to do most of what I have to do with my left hand. At the moment, my eyesight is starting to get worse and I can’t read, “explains Bára, who, according to her, can’t even write anymore, so her mother, Jana, takes care of written communication for her.

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But Bára doesn’t stop fighting, nor does she lose her sense of humor, even though surgery is no longer possible due to the location of the tumor. “That famous joke about the operation being successful, but the patient didn’t survive, it would be about me,” Bára jokes about her.

He’s getting closer to the pastry chef’s dream

Although, at least according to the doctors, her prospects are not entirely rosy, Bára is pursuing her dream of becoming a pastry chef, as evidenced also by the fact that she recently participated in the Moravian Pastry Championship, where she literally won third place. Furthermore, she is convinced that this was not her last participation in the contest.

“Just by participating in the contest, I practically won over myself simply by coming, baking a cake and being able to meet again such wonderful people that I have had in my life since last year. I will come again next year,” says Bára enthusiastically.

He prepared a guardian angel

While trying out a trial sample of the Bára cake, he modestly told the jury that he could cook it even better, but still took home a bronze medal from the competition.

Aneta has already undergone three major operations and has been battling a brain tumor for several years.

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“I imagined the cake a little differently, but during baking it finally became clear that my ANGEL wanted to look exactly as it was in the end. I didn’t even add the ready-made wings to it, and as my mom used to say, I didn’t make a cake, but a being with the energy of Madonna “, explains Bára, who however adds that, of course, her great help was the robot and her father, who helped her cut the bodies in the oven, and her mother , who spread the fondant to cover the cake and also broke the eggs at the beginning of cooking and separated them into yolks and whites.

“Sometimes two hands are really necessary,” adds Bára.

He is writing a book about his illness

Additionally, Bára is determined to write a book about her illness, which she hopes will help anyone struggling with a similar illness in difficult situations. She is working hard on it with her mother.

“It will be a book about how not to give up even in the worst situations in life and move on, even if at first glance it may seem that all is lost”, he reveals through his mother, Bára, who has started writing all by himself, but now, after complications with speaking and writing, he dictates the thoughts of his mother Jana.

Further treatments are no longer possible

“Since according to medical statistics I should have already been in heaven, all my treating doctors are genuinely happy that I am well and I thank them all very much for their care,” notes Bára modestly, who is no longer on treatment and will not undergo. to chemotherapy.

After her illness, she was left with a hole in her head. She now knows that cancer isn’t just for old people

“Alternative methods are the only thing I can do for myself right now. I meditate regularly and I can say that it keeps me afloat, “she adds. In addition, Bára always tries to do something for herself, now she has swapped the exercise bike she used for a walking tape, on which she trains to walk to keep fit .

All that remains is to pray for Bara and wish that a miracle will happen or that his life journey will be as long as possible. If you want to help a beautiful girl, who has suffered a severe blow from fate in the form of a malignant disease, to fulfill her dreams, you can donate any amount to her transparent account, which you can see HERE.

Account holder: Maťovčíková, Barbora
Bank address: Fio banka, as, V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Prague 1
Account number: 2602058102/2010
IBAN: CZ79 2010 0000 0026 0205 8102

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