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The bow of the ship went into the shore. The way is closed because there is no other way

The incident took place on Thursday night, when the 138-metre long Heemskerkgracht sailed to Spain, the engines stopped and thus he lost the ability to move. The bow of the ship went into the shore.

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See also: Cars covered in ice in Russia. Dozens of completely frozen cars on the ship

Currently, due to the closure of two railway companies in Canada and due to the ban on rail transport, the Saint Lawrence Seaway Canal is an alternative route, among others. Canadian grain exports. There is no way to get around the place blocked by the Dutch ship.

The more than 3,700 km long inland waterway for ocean-going ships between the Atlantic and the Great Lakes generates $50 billion annually. economic activity and contributing to the maintenance of nearly 357 thousand jobs in Canada and the USA. Locks on the waterway allow you to pass, among others: Niagara Falls.

“Traffic jam” on the waterway. Ships must wait

Work is underway to launch the ship. The media said that the representative of the operator of the St. Lawrence Seaway, Jean Aubry-Morin, says that At the time of the accident, six ships were on Lake Saint-Louis waiting to enter the waterway. He believed that this number could increase to 14 before the Heemskerkgracht is towed away.

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2024-08-24 05:28:00
#bow #ship #shore #closed

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