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The boss pays for all his employees’ groceries in December

December expensive month? Not if the boss pays for the groceries. For a month, Joris Toonders, the owner of the Internet company Breda Yonego, is responsible for all messages from his staff. “There’s no maximum amount,” says Toonder of his Christmas promotion.

Written by

Agnes van der Straaten

“The present had to reach everyone in Breda,” says Joris Toonders modestly. “But very quickly everyone was very enthusiastic.” Toonder speaks fondly of his company and his staff. He started at the age of 15 and now, 19 years later, he now has three companies. “I believe in trusting my people. This fits with the culture of the company.

“You can make it as expensive and cheap as you like.”

That trust is put to the test with this Christmas shopping campaign, because Toonders hasn’t attached any conditions to the campaign. “You can make it as expensive and cheap as you like. Everyone buys differently. There are lonely, dependent people with families. Everyone does the shopping they need.

The mostly young employees of the internet company all received a folder, a shopping bag and a gold envelope. The shopping receipts that are issued at the supermarket, bakery and butcher can be placed in an envelope for the entire month of December. Toonder set no limits: “I trust all my colleagues and hope they all enjoy themselves immensely.”

“What an incredibly sweet employer this is.”

On social media, where Toonder announced the action, the reactions are, as expected, very positive. “What an incredibly sweet employer this is,” someone says. “Curious about the final amount,” says another.

Toonder has already paid attention to the welfare of its staff. In 2016, you already gave partners of pregnant women four weeks of paid maternity leave. You don’t have to attract staff with this new Christmas campaign: “There are enough people who want to work here. I do it mostly because I really enjoy it.

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