Home » today » World » The border is unblocked! From tomorrow onwards, 0 + 7 will be on the road and the lazy bag will be watched at a time-Current Affairs-China Time News

The border is unblocked! From tomorrow onwards, 0 + 7 will be on the road and the lazy bag will be watched at a time-Current Affairs-China Time News

The border will be completely unlocked and from tomorrow the new “0 + 7” system for passenger entry will be adopted. In addition to the need for home quarantine, if there are no relevant symptoms, people can take public transport to get back to home, and only need to have a negative test result within 2 days during the auto-epidemic prevention period, proof you can get out. “Zhongshi News Network” solved 7 major issues related to unlocking and provided public references.

1. Open foreigners to enter Taiwan

At present, people from visa-free countries have resumed visa-free entry. Tomorrow (13) “visa-free countries” will be opened for general social visits and sightseeing and the group restriction order will also be canceled.

◉ Visa-free countries for 90 days: Chile, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Nicaragua.

◉ Visa-free countries for 30 days: Dominican Republic, Singapore, Malaysia.

◉Visa-free countries for 14 days: Thailand, Brunei, Philippines.

2. Quarantine measures at entry changed to “0 + 7”

From 13 October the quarantine measures at the entrance will be changed to 0 + 7, home quarantine is not required and only 7 days of self-prevention are required. Passengers entering through 0 + 7 can freely choose hotels, their own residences or the residences of relatives and friends that meet the conditions of “1 person, 1 room” during the independent epidemic prevention period.

The new 0 + 7 entry system is on the way. (Photo / provided by the command center)

3. Entry can be made by public transport

Passengers who enter from 13, if they have no symptoms confirmed upon entering the country, can take public transport to return home; the Outbreak Prevention Fleet will prioritize passengers with symptoms.

From tomorrow the new “0 + 7” access system will be implemented. (Photo / provided by the command center)

4. Epidemic prevention hotels will be completely retired

After the opening of 0 + 7, the anti-epidemic domestic hotels will gradually retire; all confirmed patients will be transferred to centralized quarantine centers.

5. After entering the country, you can leave freely

During the self-prevention period you can go out freely, but you must have a “negative quick test” certificate within 2 days. Always wear a face mask at work or school, and it is forbidden to accompany or visit patients to the hospital and try to avoid going to long-term care institutions. If you need to eat, you can take off the mask to eat and drink, but you must wear a mask immediately after eating.

photo-container"> 0 + 7 Relevant epidemic prevention measures after entry.  (Photo / provided by the command center)
0 + 7 Relevant epidemic prevention measures after entry. (Photo / provided by the command center)

6. Cancellation of “banning order” restrictions

The group ban will be lifted from the 13th, but group passengers must be transported by special vehicles organized by travel agencies. If the passengers of the group test positive for the Chinese quarantine mechanism, they will be notified by the operator and the doctor will evaluate and confirm the diagnosis, then they will be quarantined at home for 7 + 7;

photo-container"> The border will be fully unblocked from tomorrow and the relevant measures will be taken for the entry of group tourists.  (Photo / provided by the command center)
The border will be fully unblocked from tomorrow and the relevant measures will be taken for the entry of group tourists. (Photo / provided by the command center)

7. “0 + 7” also applies to the entry of migrant workers

After migrant workers have entered the country, the employer should arrange for migrant workers to live in hotels, migrant workers’ dormitories or the employer’s residence that meets the “one person, one room” requirements. Industrial migrant workers and non-serious, high-risk social care migrant workers may engage in related work during the self-prevention period after failing the rapid test.

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