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The Book Rescuer: Manolo Pin’s Mission to Save and Restore Abandoned Books

Title: Manolo Pin: The Book Savior

Date: 16 July 2023

In 1985, during our military service, I had the pleasure of meeting Manolo Pin. We were both stationed at the Transport Office of the Navy’s Vehicle Park. It was there that I also met Antonio Garcia Recovet, who later became one of my closest friends. Antonio was a wise and generous soul, and I pay tribute to him in my book, “Las galeras de Normanda.” But today, I want to focus on Manolo Pin, a remarkable individual who has dedicated the past decade to rescuing discarded books and giving them a new lease on life.

My memories of the Navy’s Vehicle Park hold a special place in my heart. Many of the friends I made during my time in the Navy continue to play a significant role in my life. To those who have passed away, I will remember them forever.

Manolo Pin, even during his military service, displayed a deep passion for culture. He had already initiated a publication, a magazine that originated in San Mateo. Currently employed at Recinor’s waste management plant, Manolo has spent over ten years tirelessly restoring books that people throw away. His enthusiasm is unwavering, and he has already rescued more than ten thousand books. Once restored, these books find a new home in public libraries, where they are available to the entire community.

I have never understood how someone can discard a book. I imagine Manolo feels the same way. However, he is not one to dwell on melancholy. Instead, he takes action to make the world a better place for everyone. His efforts are truly commendable, as he strives to create a better world through his work.

As literature enthusiasts, we owe a debt of gratitude to Manolo. In fact, anyone who loves books should be grateful for his dedication. These books, without asking for anything in return, have allowed us to live countless lives.

Manolo Pin is a true hero, saving books from abandonment and giving them a second chance. His passion for literature and his commitment to creating a better world through books is an inspiration to us all. Let us celebrate and support individuals like Manolo, who remind us of the power of literature and the importance of preserving it for future generations.Manolo Pin: The Book Savior

16 July 2023 – Updated at 05:00 am

I have known Manolo, Manolo Pin, for almost thirty years. We met in 1985, to be exact, when we were both doing military service – I had just arrived, and he was about to finish his service – at the Transport Office of the Navy’s Vehicle Park. Also present at that same destination, not doing military service but as a professional sailor, was one of the greatest friends I have had in this world: Antonio Garcia Recoveth. Antonio, yes, a true sage and an exceptional human being, of limitless generosity, whom I think of every day and to whom I paid a modest tribute in the pages of “Las galeras de Normanda” – sorry for the self-citation, please pretend you didn’t notice – turning him, I believe, with armor and all, into Recoveth Maroth.

I will always cherish in my memory, with the greatest affection, and excuse the aside, that time at the Navy’s Vehicle Park. Many of the friends I made there, in the Navy – sorry for not mentioning all of you: the list would be very long, but you know that my gratitude and affection towards you are eternal – still hold a very important place in my life; and to those who have already left, to those who are on the other side of the river – to those who inhabit what we call death – I will remember them forever.

The fact is that Manolo Pin, who at that time of military service already had deep cultural concerns – in fact, he had already promoted some publications, I remember a magazine that was published in San Mateo – and who works at the Recinor waste management plant, has been recovering and restoring books that people throw away for over a decade, with an indestructible enthusiasm, giving them a new lease of life. The figure is impressive, a fact that speaks for itself: Manolo has already rescued more than ten thousand books. Books that, once restored by him, become part of libraries that are available to the entire community. I have never really understood how someone can throw a book in the trash. And I imagine (I have never asked him) that Manolo doesn’t understand it either. But he is not the kind of person who easily succumbs to melancholy, and he prefers to change things rather than get tangled up in regrets. That’s why he does what he does, which ultimately is making the world a better place for everyone.

Those of us who are literature enthusiasts are indebted to Manolo. In fact, all of us who love books are! Those books that, without asking for anything in return, have allowed us to live so many lives.

How many books has Manolo Pin saved from oblivion through his restoration efforts?

.” But today, it’s all about Manolo Pin, a man on a mission to save discarded books and give them a second chance at life.

The memories of my time at the Navy’s Vehicle Park are still vivid in my mind. It was a place where friendships were forged, and bonds were created that have lasted a lifetime. And although some of those friends are no longer with us, their memories live on.

Manolo Pin, even back then, had an insatiable thirst for culture. He had already embarked on a publishing venture, a magazine that originated in San Mateo. And even now, as an employee at Recinor’s waste management plant, Manolo has dedicated more than a decade to restoring discarded books. The passion and dedication he brings to this task are unmatched, and he has already saved over ten thousand books from the abyss of oblivion. Once restored, these books find a new home in public libraries, where they can be enjoyed by the entire community.

I’ve never understood how someone can discard a book, and I’m sure Manolo feels the same way. But instead of dwelling on the sadness of lost literature, he takes action. He actively works to make the world a better place for all of us. His efforts are truly commendable, as he strives to create a better world, one book at a time.

As lovers of literature, we owe a debt of gratitude to Manolo Pin. Because of his tireless work, countless stories have been given a second chance to be heard. These books, without asking for anything in return, have enriched our lives in unimaginable ways.

Manolo Pin is a hero, a book savior. His passion for literature and his unwavering commitment to preserving it is an inspiration to us all. Let’s celebrate and support individuals like Manolo who understand the true power of books and the importance of passing that power on to future generations.

2 thoughts on “The Book Rescuer: Manolo Pin’s Mission to Save and Restore Abandoned Books”

  1. What a noble and inspiring mission! Manolo Pin’s dedication to saving and restoring abandoned books is truly commendable. Through his efforts, he brings new life to forgotten stories and preserves the beauty of literature for generations to come. A true book rescuer indeed!

  2. “Manolo Pin’s passion for rescuing and restoring abandoned books is truly inspiring. His mission not only saves precious literary treasures but also reminds us of the incredible power and magic that lies within each forgotten page.”


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