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The bonito and saffron craze has begun

In Ahtopol, they are expecting an autumn blessing that has not been there for years

The Madness of the Sea Fishermen is now underway. After the first appearance of small bonitos, called gypsies, weighing 150 grams, 300 grams are now being caught. Moreover, from Varna to Ahtopol.

“This year has been incredibly exciting

In the spring, small gracs appeared, but now it is a big blessing”, said Georgi Gochkov, who has a tallian. He claims that in the evening on a peeled shrimp and a sea worm on the illuminated pier in Ahtopol, record-sized saffron can be caught.

In the middle of the new quay, after a snack of bread and sliced ​​small fish, platerini from 500 grams and up go crazy. The beach before the city is also teeming with them.

The news of large catches of saffron and gypsies from a boat also comes from Varna. The passages are mainly in front of Cape Galata. There are great successes for the anglers from Nessebar, who set records for chepare from the pier.

“At the entrance of the port, on a sheer rock near the concrete, on the corner or wherever you want cast far ahead towards the mouth of Karaagach.

You wait, you count when the lead will hit the bottom

and on the next roll you start robbing 1-2 seconds earlier. Chepare from the store, pumpkin color, hooks number 10. Eights are large.

And in the same direction with a semi-submersible bomb – on a swamp. It rarely touches, but it does. Those who hunt from dawn to 8.30-9 are talking about 30-40 pieces per head. During the warm part of the day, it is difficult to make 10-12 pieces. It comes out on the diving board, but rarely. Mostly on the bomber.

Do not step on the step next to the water – it is slippery and very dangerous. At the mouth of Karaagach there are none now, but if a predator presses them, you may be smiling for a few days.

If the bombard has a knock like a thin ringing, put latex tubing on the hook knot and 2 cm along the fiber. These are black buttons, called tins, and if not the second, then the third will eat the hook. My jig is 0.12-0.14 hook #10, red jewel. On a swamp. I don’t have knocks on spin”, advises Petko Beloganski.

It is about the port of Kiten. And as for the term bog, it means sea worm.

In the north, the latest news about gypsy women is from Kranevo. There are none higher up, in Tyulenovo they sometimes boast of a large safrid. In Varna, however, after the invasion of gypsies at the Marine Station, another fashion came.

Now appeared fat haribis and their larger relatives – the karagyos

In terms of taste, placed on the grill, they are not inferior to chernokopi and leferi. These predators are now circling on the surface of the water, probably attacked on the bottom by leeches. They are caught on jigging, with black and pumpkin colored hooks being the most successful.

Caragos peck strongly at the lighting of night lamps, also on a cheparé. They also flock to an alancat marine worm with a glowing float.

The widespread catch of garfish continues. There are them from Rezovo to Durankulak. In the last two years, these fish have shrunk to the point of being caught with nets.

In Sarafovo, two masters catch them on the shore next to the dunes towards Pomorie. Their price from the boat is BGN 15 per kilogram. In Varna, gargi can be found for BGN 10 per kilo.

Gargoyles are to saltwater fishermen what tench are to freshwater fishermen, and they look like them. Whoever has caught tench once, he goes for that fish for the rest of his life, claims a Russian scientist.

The gars bite so hard that they take the fishing rods off the pier

They are caught at dusk and at dawn on a float and on the bottom.

Swamp worms are now Romanian, they cost BGN 4.50.

The marsh worms, which until recently were sold in Varna shops, now come from Romania. The labor crisis in our country has led to the fact that there is no one to dig into the reeds.

Otherwise, a 30 cm long black round marsh worm can be found in any swampy place. It is especially important for fishing for catfish on a float along with tadpoles and leeches.

Only in the Durankulak marsh is this worm favored by all types of fish. Carps and perch, even redfin and cockroaches eat it there. There are colonies of this worm on this swamp, but they are kept secret from the locals.

The imported Romanian bog worm jumped this year from BGN 2.50 to BGN 4.50, and its fans buy it in large quantities – it can live for months in the refrigerator.

The grayling is a very rare and legally protected fish

In recent times, the craze for head lice has been rampant in Bulgaria. This freshwater fish is in no way different from the sea bream. It is caught in freshwater reservoirs such as dams near the sea, it is abundant in marshes and in the Danube River.

However, no one can say whether these are bigwigs.

“There are them along Iskar from Samokov upwards and also along Beli and Cherni Iskar. About 20 years ago, there were a lot of them, but now they have disappeared, they don’t peck on a fishing rod and hide under the stones, in the old days they were caught with a pitchfork”, jokes Mr. Micho from Samokov.

“A few years ago, we found several in the same condition at Cherni Iskar. They seem to still exist. There used to be a lot of this fish, I went with the Batkov people back then and they caught it in 2 ways. You throw a stone at a stone, then you turn the stone that hit you, and this fish swims away, stunned.

In the second method, you stand up a fork and hang it on a stick up to 1 m long, and you start transferring stone by stone, usually by moving the stone slightly along the current, the fish stays below and you poke it behind the head with the fork”, is frank from his town.

According to science, the gobio (Cottus gobio), also known as the buffalo, is a rather rare and legally protected fish. It shouldn’t be bothered, let alone hunted. Its populations are declining and disappearing due to a number of reasons – mainly human activity and habitat destruction.

RECIPE – Let’s make canned “Ropotamo” from mackerel

Homemade canned fish is not an economic lever to deal with the crisis. They are simply a delicacy that anyone can make easily. The legendary industrial “Ropotamo” is available to everyone.

For 4 kg of fish, you need 500 grams of peas, the same amount of boiled white beans, 3 kg of tomato puree, a few carrots, 2 kg of roasted peppers and a jar of pickles.

The marinade for the jars is made from a teaspoon of vinegar, oil, salt and peppercorns. The fish is cleaned from the inside and the head is removed. It is cut into circles.

The pieces are placed in a pot and covered with the marinade. It begins to boil for 20 minutes, after which it is removed. Put the black pepper in a jar and arrange the fish, the softened carrots and the rest of the shredded products, adding the lutenica.

It is also poured from the marinade, so that the dishes are filled. Cans are sterilized for twenty minutes. But real housewives cook them for 3-4 hours to be safe. Especially if we are not talking about chubs, ocean mackerel, but bonito.

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