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The BOE publishes all the details for walks, sports and going out with children from May 2 | Society

The Official State Gazette of this Friday, May 1 publishes all the details about the walks and the individual physical activity that from this Saturday we must comply. It highlights that a parent can change the departure time with minors if justified by conciliation and that you cannot use a motorized vehicle or public transport to go and practice physical activity.

The BOE sets thus the displacements allowed for the practice of physical activity.

1. It is enabled at people 14 years and older, to circulate on the roads or spaces for public use for the practice of physical activities allowed by this order.

2. The non-professional practice of any individual sport that does not require contact with third partiesas well as the walks. Said activities may be carried out once a day and during the established time frames.

3. During walks you can go out accompanied by a single person living together. However, those people who out of necessity have to be accompanied may also do so by a person in charge of the household or a regular caregiver.

The non-professional practice of any individual sport that does not require contact can only be carried out individually. However, those people who out of necessity have to go out accompanied may do so by a person living together, a person in charge of the household or a regular caregiver.

4. The walks will be made with a distance not exceeding one kilometer regarding the address. Bliss limitation will not apply to the non-professional practice of any individual sport, being this allowed within the municipality where it resides.

5. People who present symptoms or are in a condition may not use the authorization contained in section 1. home isolation due to COVID-19 diagnosis, or that they are in a home quarantine period due to having had contact with someone with symptoms or diagnosed with COVID-19. Likewise, residents of elderly social health centers may not use this authorization.

6. The trips referred to in this article are understood without prejudice to those generally allowed in article 7 of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, as well as by Order SND / 370/2020, of 25 April, on the conditions in which the displacement by the child population during the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, these cumulatives can be.

Time slots to go outside.

Requirements to avoid contagion

1. During the practice of physical activities authorized by this order you must maintain an interpersonal distance with third parties of at least two meters.

2. They must avoid crowded spaces, as well as those places where there may be crowds.

3. As much as possible, the physical activity allowed by this order must be carried out continuously, avoiding unnecessary stops on roads or spaces for public use. When, due to the physical conditions of the person carrying out the activity, it is necessary to make a stop on the roads or spaces for public use, it will be carried out for the time strictly necessary.

4. Shall cabide by prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities.

5. To enable the safety distance to be maintained local entities will facilitate the distribution of public space in favor of those who walk and of which they ride a bicycle, in that order of priority.

Allowed places

1. You can circulate through cany road or space for public use, including natural spaces and authorized green areas, provided that the limits established in this order are respected.

2. Access to closed sports facilities will not be allowed for the practice of the activities provided in this order.

3. You will not be able to use a motorized vehicle or public transport to get around to roads or spaces for public use in order to practice physical activity provided in this order.

Time zones

The following time bands are established for carrying out the planned activities:

1. Individual sports and walks can only be carried out between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.

2. Those people who need to be accompanied for reasons of need and people over 70 years of age may practice individual sport and walk between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm and between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm hours.

3. People over the age of 70 may go out accompanied by a person living with them between the ages of 14 and 70. 2.

4. The time bands provided for in this article shall not apply to those municipalities and entities with a territorial area less than the municipality that administer separate population centers with a population equal to or less than 5,000 inhabitants, in which the practice of activities permitted by This order can be carried out between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.

Exceptionally, these time slots may not be applicable in those cases in which for duly accredited medical reasons, the practice of physical activity outside the established ranges is recommendedas well as by justified grounds for conciliation of the companions of the elderly, minors or disabled.

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