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The Board will invest more than 25 million in Education in El Ejido in three years | Chosen

The PP parliamentary group presented on Thursday a Proposal No of Law and that will be debated in Parliament, in the Education Commission, around Christmas to promote the construction and adaptation of different educational centers in the municipality of El Ejido, which will represent a before and after in terms of educational infrastructures in the municipality, “said Andalusian parliamentarian Ramón Herrera de las Eras.

Along these lines, the mayor of ElEjido, Francisco Góngora, indicated that on Thursday they had an “intense day in the Andalusian Parliament, seeking investments for El Ejido and we have been working in collaboration with the entire parliamentary group and with the Ministry of Education for some time. ».

Thus, the first mayor stated that “in the next two or three years part of that historical debt that the municipality of El Ejido has in educational infrastructures will be resolved” and calculated that between the works planned for next year and those budgeted, the investment of the Junta de Andalucía in the municipality in educational infrastructures will be between 25 and 30 million euros.

The highest municipal official indicated yesterday that they are “working closely with the delegation, the council and the APAE so that planning is carried out that meets the educational needs in terms of infrastructure and services with a specific action schedule.”

The mayor stressed the special characteristics that the municipality presents due to its high level of immigration and in this line, he pointed out that “one of the keys in terms of integration is precisely to have an education system adapted to quality standards” .

In this way, Góngora pointed out that the construction of a new C2 center in Almerimar is already planned, included within the 2017 Educational Infrastructure Plan. A project with an amount close to four million euros and for which they are preparing the bidding documents.

Regarding the 2018 Infrastructure Plan, Góngora pointed to the expansion of educational spaces at IES Francisco Montoya, with a budget of one million euros, which “is under supervision and in 2021 the works will be tendered and the execution will begin” .

Regarding the expansion of the La Paz de Las Norias IES, the mayor pointed out that it will be conditioned to function as CEIP C1 with a budget of 690,000 euros. A project under supervision.

The repair and reforms of the CEIP Solymar de Matagorda has already begun. As for the expansion of educational spaces at IES Murgi, the two million euro project has already been completed and a new expansion of spaces is planned for 863,000 euros.

2019 plan

Within the 2019 Educational Infrastructures Plan is the conditioning of the gym, the fence and windows of the IES Mar Azul, with a budget of 200,000 euros and that is already underway.

“In CEIP Teresa de Jesús there will be a very important work of 2.8 million euros, which will allow the center to go from C1 to C3,” said Góngora, who also announced that the works to replace the sports court and construction of emergency stairs at CEIP San Agustín began yesterday.

The expansion of CEIP Andalucía, which will go from C1 to C2 and the expansion of IES Santa María del Águila, which will go from D4 to D5 are other works planned.

Within the 2020 Infrastructure Plan, the mayor announced, among others, that “a new IES in Almerimar with four lines, with a budget of 5.5 million euros, is already incorporated with its budget chapter. This project has to be drawn up and the bidding begins next year so that in 2023 it is concluded.

“Presumably there are two more years of mandate, if the legislature is exhausted, and the objective is that all these works are some of them completed and all started,” said Góngora.

The 2021 Infrastructure Plan is agreed with the IES Luz del Mar

In reference to the Plan of Educational Infrastructures of the Junta de Andalucía for 2021, which is being finalized by the autonomous administration, it contemplates actions in the municipality such as the comprehensive reform of the CEIP of Santa María del Águila, which is one of the oldest in the municipality and not yet It has undergone reforms, with a project that contemplates its transition to a three-line center.

“I have also asked that CEIP Jesús de Perceval, from Venta Carmona, be incorporated into next year’s planning, which is also in great need,” said the mayor of El Ejido, Francisco Góngora.

Another issue that the municipal leader pointed out that the Delegate of Education, Antonio Jiménez, referred him yesterday was that in the 2021 Educational Infrastructure Plan, the construction of a gym and the construction of a gymnasium is contemplated for the IES Luz del Mar car parks, which would be that phase that still needs to be developed.

In the same way, and as for the Pablo Ruiz Picasso IES, the project for the arrangement of the tracks, remodeling of some pillars and conditioning of rainwater, as well as the removal of all the prefabricated classrooms that this educational center currently has would also be incorporated.

On the other hand, the mayor said that, however, they will continue to insist on a second phase, once all the most urgent projects in the municipality are underway, in which all the educational centers in the municipality have their dining room and gym.

Innovative educational proposal for the municipality

The Ministry of Education of the Junta de Andalucía contemplates within its Infrastructure Plan for 2021, which is currently being completed and according to the mayor of El Ejido, Francisco Góngora, the construction of a Center for Infant and Primary Education in Ejido Sur of two lines, to which one more of Special Education will be added, which will avoid trips of many minors to the capital.

A project that they pointed out would be something new at Andalusian level and that could become a pilot program, since it will affect integration, uniting special education and inclusive education.

A new CEIP long demanded by the municipality.

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