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The Board expands the income thresholds to be a beneficiary of the free textbook program

The Junta de Castilla y León advances in its commitment to extend the free provision of textbooks to reach all families in the Community that need them. For this, the Minister of Education, Rocío Lucas from Soria, announced this morning that the income thresholds will be increased to be a beneficiary for the next course: from 2.5 times the IPREM to 2.65.

This will be collected in the new call that will be published in the coming days in the Official Gazette of Castilla y León (Bocyl). “Call that has a budget allocation of 18 million euros, 10 for the materials of the textbook bank and 8 for financial aid. Amount expandable up to the necessary limit for the payment of the aid granted ”, said the Minister of Education.

In addition, corrections are maintained to benefit large families, those with a person with a disability, for victims of terrorism or those of gender violence, especially in rural areas, which will have a higher correction rate.

After starting the program, the intention of the Ministry has been to reach more students each year. For this reason, not only have the textbook bank deposits – and the material that may be subsidized – increased, but also a greater elasticity has been incorporated into the criteria for granting aid. Thus, it began with 1.5 times the IPREM, which was later raised to 2 and, in the two previous years, reached 2.5 times that reference index.

2020-2021 course beneficiaries

The head of Education highlighted that the number of beneficiaries of this course “shows the effort made by the Junta de Castilla y León to reach more families in the Community each year. Thus, for the period 2020-2021, 90,540 students in Castilla y León have benefited from free textbooks -43.5% of all students in compulsory education-, either through the loan of copies or through direct help for your purchase. This means having reached 2,310 more families than in the previous year ”.

Specifically, the Ministry of Education has recognized the right to free textbooks to 66,034 students, who receive from the book bank the copies they need or, failing that, direct help for the purchase.

Likewise, once this process has been completed, the stocks that were left in the book bank have been delivered to families who, with incomes above 2.5 times the IPREM, had requested to participate in the program. 24,506 students have benefited from this second phase this academic year.

Applications and submission deadline

To participate in the ‘Releo Plus’ Program, one application per student must be submitted between February 2 and 25 of the same month, both inclusive. Said request will be formalized in accordance with document No. 1 that is available at the Administration’s electronic office – www.tramitacastillayleon.jcyl.es -, in the Education Portal – www.educa.jcyl.es – and in the provincial directorates of Education. In addition, applicants from previous years will obtain the form already completed, and must make the appropriate updates.

Applications, together with the corresponding documentation, may be submitted in person, preferably at the secretary of the center where the student is enrolled in the current course; electronically – www.tramitacastillayleon.jcyl.es -, as well as in the entities providing the service published in the electronic office.

The maximum term to resolve the call and publish the resolution will be six months from the presentation of the applications in the registry of the provincial directorates of Education.

Assignment and delivery of books

Once the resolution of the call has been published, the General Directorate of Innovation and Teacher Training will make available to each teaching center a list with its beneficiary students. Subsequently, the center will provide them with a document where they must specify the specific books whose free use they request – Primary students will do so from June 1 to 11, and Secondary students from June 14 to 25 -.

The team responsible for managing the program in each center will then check what part of the needs of these students can be covered with existing textbooks. They will be pre-assigned – from June 14 to 30 in Primary and from June 28 to July 15 in Secondary – and, once the real stocks have been verified, the final allocation will be made from September 1 to 10 for Primary students and from September 1 to 17 for Secondary students.

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