Home » today » World » The blunt statement with which Sara Carbonero and Iker Casillas defend their children: “We only ask for respect” – Children

The blunt statement with which Sara Carbonero and Iker Casillas defend their children: “We only ask for respect” – Children

Sara Carbonero and Iker Casillas They separated 3 years ago but they have always remained together united by the well-being of their two children, Martín, 10 years old, and Lucas, 8 years old.They are the driving force of her life and they have always tried to preserve their privacy above all else, which is why the latest information about them in the media has made them explode.

The eldest of the brothers plays football and in recent days it has been said that he had changed his surname so that he would not be associated with his father, wearing his mother’s Carbonero shirt. Something that has given much to talk about and that the parents They wanted to cut it off at the root with a blunt statement on their social networks in which they have come out in defense of their children, making it clear that they are minors and that no one should talk about them.

Sara Carbonero explodes over the latest news about her children

“THANK YOU. (I would like to point out that this should be extended to all the children of the world). And if, in the process, we can all stop giving in to the sensationalist “clickbait” of the moment, we will be helping much more than we think,” wrote Sara Carbonero along with this statement that she shared on her social networks. And, as expected, she received a response from Iker Casillas, who also signed the statement: “I don’t have to add anything to Sara’s words. This is MUD! And if those who have to do it don’t cut it, we will continue to suffer the consequences! Not everything is worth it.“, he made clear.

We never usually speak out about anything that has to do with our personal lives and that will continue to be the case.“, begins this joint statement that they have shared. “The reason that leads us to write these lines is to strongly request whoever is in charge to immediately stop talking, apart from the frivolity and lack of information with which the subject is being treated, about our minor children. of age in public media,” they continued.

Iker Casillas and Sara Carbonero, united by their children

Both Iker and I are united and aligned in all important decisions, as well as in the education and protection of the well-being of the children, aged 8 and 10.“These are ages when their personality and self-esteem are formed, and it is totally counterproductive for them to be exposed to something like this,” can be read in the statement that Iker and Sara have issued to protect the privacy of their children.The reason for breaking this ‘code’, which we have always chosen, that of silence, is not only the distortion, the serious speculation and the barbarities that we have to listen to, but because we are talking about two minors, vulnerable“who have nothing to do with this world, beyond being children of who they are,” they continue.It is very dangerous to play with these things and then we all throw our hands up in horror at really serious issues, such as bullying and school harassment. and in any other area,” they added, making it clear that they will not make any further statements on the matter and that the next step will be to take legal action.Children are sacred. Children are not to be touched. Not everything is worth it.“, they conclude, thanking the understanding of whoever has read it.

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