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The Bloody Super Full Moon in Aquarius: Effects, Astrological Significance, and Health Tips

The Bloody Super Full Moon in Aquarius is here and it could leave a trail of apocalyptic proportions in its wake. According to the astrologer, health problems will worsen for more sensitive personalities, but the Moon can expose everyone to pain in different parts of the body. Its strong energy also carries the threat of developing fatal diseases. The impacts can be mitigated by appropriate measures.

In August, we will see two super full moons. The first, called red or bloody, will occur on August 1, 2023 at 20:33

The Moon transits the sign of airy Aquarius and the Sun is in the sign of Leo. Therefore, the power of the full moon will be most felt by people born under the signs of Aquarius and Leo, also people with the ascendant or the position of the Moon in these signs. You will feel what needs to be changed, ended, closed, and what needs to be continued,” explains astrologer and numerologist Hana Černá.

Aquarius belongs to the courageous signs, it is the bearer of unusual ideas and a pioneer of everything new. He quickly gets excited about new tasks and ideas, but he can also soon abandon them. He is fickle in nature and hates following traditional forms as well as being ordered around. A certain freedom is important to him. Therefore, it is not recommended to limit the other person on these days, on the contrary, you need to give him space. If you don’t remember this, you can create extremely tense situations.

Don’t promise anything

The Blood Full Moon has a negative effect on relationships. Consider all decisions around them several times, or rather postpone them altogether. “But you can solve a lot of other things these days. Especially in the financial and material area, but watch out for more expenses than income. Spend only what you have, don’t borrow money,” Černá continues.

Entrepreneurship and hard work can awaken in you, you can overcome obstacles with the snap of a finger. “However, you can be a little more reckless because of the sign of Aquarius. Leave very difficult tasks for later days and do not promise anything,” advises the astrologer.

The first super full moon in August also carries with it the threat of the development of deadly diseases. “The veins and circulatory system are also at risk, there is a risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Leg ulcers can also get worse, the legs can swell more,” Black warned.

Health care

Try to put your legs up whenever possible to get better blood flow. Pain or tingling in the legs can occur even at night, and you can prevent this with extra care.

The effects of the Blood Moon can also be eliminated with a suitable diet. “It is necessary to include more nuts, wheat germ, various seeds, citrus fruits. Rather, limit meat and give preference to white meat or fish, especially salmon. Rice and magnesium, which you get from beans, radishes, blueberries and onions, are good for stress. It is also excellent as a prevention against thrombosis,” adds Černá.

Don’t forget a sufficient supply of fresh air, exercise and quality sleep. The drinking regime is also essential.

A supermoon is an astronomical phenomenon when the moon passes through the so-called ground plane during the full moon phase and is closest to Earth in its orbit. It looks bigger and brighter than usual. It strongly affects our emotions, moods and mental state. Some people see the full moon as magical.

The second full moon of August, called the blue moon, will take place on August 31st of the month and will be the strongest this year.


2023-07-31 12:31:00
#Deadly #diseases #great #tension #Blood #Moon #threatens #dangerous #consequences #TN.cz

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