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The bloody battle of good versus evil in two light entertainment programs

I was wrong! Last week, thinking about the younger and internet audience that followed Broncano in The ResistanceI wrote that Pablo Motos could sleep peacefully before the premiere of The Revolt. Well no. Broncano’s wit and charm have connected with the general publicso Motos is going to have to squeeze his ideas into a battle for the audience in which The Revolt not only does it stand up to, but it surpasses, the king of television.

Adding the audience of a Very strong anthill (the best week in its history) and (the scary debut of) The RevoltIt is unheard of that there are so many people watching TV at the same time. So much so that one wonders if it is not time to change the five thousand audience meters that generate the audience statistics and replace them with a more direct analysis. In any case, more frightening than the combined audience of these two programs is the cultural battle, that is, the symbolic and political squabble around them.

This cultural battle is more in the eyes of the beholder than in the products, because The Anthill y The Revolt They are more like what is shouted on Twitter: they are light, entertaining and casual. They work by the the charm of its presenters and the collaborators and guestsYou may like Broncano or Motos more, you may like both or neither: depending on that, you will make a decision when you pick up the remote control.

People who tune into one or the other for their political ideas have political ideas as superficial as television and, of course, a Twitter account. Because normal people simply He watches entertainment programs to forget about his problemsto pass the time.

However, it is true that politicians are always moving pieces around and, whatever Broncano says, who does not feel comfortable as a pawn of a ruler, it is undeniable that Sánchez was very interested in screwing Motos. because Motos has a political discussion where they put him in a bad light. Sanchez must believe that people see The Anthill for the political discussion, but my theory is that this content is the least popular of his program.


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The activists in charge of the TV channel were also very interested in screwing Motos over. They see the ant tamer as a right-wing monster and leader of international machismo, and they believe that The fight of the anti-fascist partisans is a bit like changing the channel. Allow me to laugh at the involuntary comedy.

Watching TV while burping dinner bears little relation to standing in front of tanks in Tiananmen Square or grabbing a rifle on the way to Stalingrad. Political commitment is not so comfortable, unfortunately for Bob Pop. If you watch The Anthill to fight against Sanchismo or tune into Broncano so that husbands do not kill their wives, You don’t look like José Antonio or Martin Luther King: you’re Homer Simpson.

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I, for example, can’t stand Sánchez and I have spent four very entertaining nights watching the programme that Moncloa has put on the schedule at the price of fuel because of its aversion to puppets. I have a habit of not judging comedians or artists for their ideology. I enjoy the wit of those who don’t think like me. I only punish the inability to get away from the cheap pamphlet. And Broncano doesn’t make any pamphlets, no matter how you look at it. That’s why he’s making a splash.

The only political pamphlet that is broadcast in that slot is The Intermediate from Wyoming, from the same media group that paradoxically makes money with Motos. And to continue with the paradox, with this week’s audience figures in hand, The Intermediate is the program that more money has been lost due to the emergence of Broncanowho doesn’t give a damn about advertising.

Do the two programs in contention have a political editorial line? Something. I don’t think Broncano and his team will make jokes about Begoña Gómez’s career, nor that Motos and his team will make jokes at Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s expense, but I am clear that the rivalry for the audience It has more to do with money and prestige than politics.and that the type of television they offer is enjoyable for both socialists and PP members.


This was written by a potential rapist but also a potential millionaire.

Juan Soto Ivars

Motos and Broncano are two males competing for the female called the “average viewer”, who is won over more by laughter than by ideology. There is no humor mainstream putting half of your potential audience at odds. Pressing 3 instead of 1 or vice versa has as much influence on the progress of the country as reading me or Antonio Maestre.

Furthermore, since one does not deign to watch the opponent’s program, In the end we have a lot of people who talk without having a clue. If you analyze the content of the programs, the pot-bellied double standard becomes evident. For example: if Motos asked a guest how much she had fucked this month, that would be an intolerable act of sexism, but it’s cool because Broncano does it. And on the contrary, If Broncano had invited Lamine Yamal, that would have been an anti-racist gesturebut the fact is that Motos invited him. Remember that the annoying Twitter users elevated Broncano to the category of saint for taking Aitor Francesena, a blind surfer, ignoring that Motos had taken him before. Well, that’s a bit of everything..


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Luis Quintela

The presenters and their resonance demonstrate that ethics no longer serve and that a kind of trench morality makes everything depend on who does it. And in the same way, something is serious or not depending on who it falls on. For example, imagine what would be said if Broncano suffered a campaign by the Community of Madrid slightly similar to the one Pablo Motos received from the Ministry of Equality, or that the Motos program was funded with our tax money with a PP government to compete with an unfavorable program in a private company.

Well, that’s it. In the end Television always ends up being a mirror and it says more about the viewer than about those who are making a lot of money while you bring social justice while you are sitting on the couch.

I was wrong! Last week, thinking about the younger and internet audience that followed Broncano in The ResistanceI wrote that Pablo Motos could sleep peacefully before the premiere of The Revolt. Well no. Broncano’s wit and charm have connected with the general publicso Motos is going to have to squeeze his ideas into a battle for the audience in which The Revolt not only does it stand up to, but it surpasses, the king of television.

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