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The blood supply is currently sufficient for almost two days

The DRK Blood Donation Service West has a supply of canned goods for four to five days. “We also plan the blood donation dates so that we always have a safe reserve.” The DRK Blood Donation Service West supplies the clinics in Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and North Rhine-Westphalia with blood.

The reasons for the low level of reserves are varied and cannot be identified exactly: “We can only speculate.” Holiday periods such as the Easter holidays are generally considered to be problematic, as many potential donors are on holiday during this time. In addition, when the weather is getting warmer in spring, people are going out of the house more instead of donating – especially since the relaxation of the corona protection measures is opening up more leisure opportunities again.

“Corona is still having an effect – especially since so many are sick,” explained the spokeswoman. According to the DRK, anyone who has contracted the virus and had a severe course should only donate blood again four weeks after recovery. If the course is mild, it is possible again a week after recovery.

In Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, healthy people between the ages of 18 and 75 are asked to donate blood, and 500 milliliters of blood are taken from each. According to the DRK, anyone who has been vaccinated against Corona can go to donate blood one day later, provided there are no vaccination reactions.

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