Published: Friday 06/01/2023 05:54
The West German Red Cross is currently sounding the alarm. The DRK West blood donation service supplies around 25% of all clinics in Germany. But this supply is currently in danger.
The stock of blood preparations has reached a new low. The already small circle of regular donors has been hit hard by the current wave of the disease, a DRK West spokesperson said when we asked. Normally, the DRK would supply NRW clinics with blood for five days, currently it is only enough for one day. At the Schlebusch Clinic and at the St. Remigius everything is still in the green area, so both houses when we asked. However, even existing blood is used very sparingly. You know the problem, but you don’t have to postpone any currently scheduled operation. But that could change any day, especially if nothing changes in the blood donation situation, they say.
The next blood donation goes back to Leverkusen
Thursday 01/12/2023
Leverkusen 51377 – Alkenrath
Kat. Pfarrheim
Graf Galen square 5
3.30pm – 7pm
Freitag 13.01.2023
Leverkusen 51377 – Steinbüchel
Montanus Realschule, Leverkusen Steinbüchel
Steinbücheler Str. 50
3.30pm – 7pm
Here you can find all dates in Leverkusen up until March 2023
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