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The blood calls – El Financiero

The phrase goes like this. Its meanings are many. Just reading the word blood frightens many, interpreting it as pain or suffering. If we pause and think, blood as a metaphor can be the very definition of life and with it the only certainty we have when living: death.

Blood ties are the unbreakable bond that unites us with our family at birth. Time and life determine whether these ties endure or whether they are cut short by the complexity of human relationships.

The sixth bullfight in the Plaza México this Sunday has generated enormous interest among fans because these are the three bullfighting performers who have had the longest and best performances in their careers, in addition to responding to the call that family blood has awakened in their bullfighting hearts.

The first sword is the son of Manuel Caballero, a bullfighter from Albacete who lived the glory of great triumphs in this arena, as well as a career as a top-level matador throughout the bullfighting world. Namesake of his father, the young Hispanic intends to write his own history in bullfighting, responding to the category of his name and to family bullfighting. He has already passed the test of the walk in Las Ventas, has left a good taste and will come back with his father’s stories in his head, since he fell in love with this land, its people and its bullfighting. The Mexican bull made him grow a lot, reaffirming that our bull is only for good bullfighters. I hope that the main objective of the young Manuel is to find the magical sensations of dominating and tempering the charge of the brave born and raised in the Mexican fields. If he looks for it and finds it, his life and concept of bullfighting will change this Sunday.

Secondly, Bruno Aloi will perform, a young Mexican who four years ago decided to go to Spain to train as a bullfighter, assuming the sacrifices that this requires and pursuing a dream, to embrace his bullfighting vocation that runs through his family. His father, a distinguished matador on horseback, Giovanni Aloi was trained in the Marialva art school, cut ears in La México and performed in more than 250 bullfights. On his mother’s side, Bruno is the grandson of Don Sergio Hernández González, rancher of the centennial Tlaxcalan brand of Rancho Seco, in whose bullfighting arena and pastures, Bruno dreamed of being a bullfighter since he was a child. At the slightest opportunity he would be with his muletita in place and ready to pass the bulls in the enormous family ring. His debut at the San Marcos in Aguascalientes was resounding. His career has not been easy, with tough tests in the face of the seriousness of the Spanish festival from which he has emerged forged and more determined than ever to achieve his goal.

Andrés García had his first hero at home: El Payo, his older brother, whose history and career we know as one of the highest quality bullfighters that our bullfighting has produced. Fruit of that great project called Tauromagia Mexicana, El Payo was formed under the strictest bullfighting education, with the demands of the bull and the truth of the Fiesta. Since he was a child, Andrés has heard this version of bullfighting, of being a bullfighter and living as such. He has done it in the field in front of cows and bulls in different cattle ranches. He knows the trade, he has quality in his bullfighting and I am sure that he has known how to read the bullfighting moment that we live in, which generates an enormous opportunity.

This poster has, without a doubt, attractions on all sides, topped off with the Campo Hermoso bull run, owned by Pablo Suárez. Well-presented bulls, with the build for triumph and to meet the great expectations that this event has generated since the announcement of the bullfights.

A good turnout is expected; I repeat, the time slot is very good, 13 hours, the prices are really affordable, so I hope that the fans who so long for a bullfighter to support will come on Sunday and that we will leave the ring bullfighting.

Luz Elena Martínez and Paco de la Peña have paid for their dream of becoming bullfighters with blood. A goring is a medal tattooed on the body, bulls wound and that is where the greatness of bullfighting lies. The brave ones who risk their lives to dominate the untamed bravery of the bulls and create art along the way. There were no triumphant bullfights, there was blood and that, too, is triumph.

Important week with interesting celebrations. On Wednesday the 14th in Cedral, San Luis Potosí, there will be a bullfight celebrating the 20th anniversary of the alternative of the bullfighter Jorge Hernández Gárate, on foot Calita and Diego San Román with six from San Miguel de Mimiahuápam. The following day in Huamantla, Tlaxcala, there will be a traditional bullfight of the lights; tickets sold out for this magical bullfight with Zapata, Antonio Ferrera and Arturo Saldívar in front of six from José Julián Llaguno. On Friday the 16th, the Potosina fair will start with Fermín Rivera, José Mauricio and Leo Valadez in front of six from Gómez Valle. On Saturday the 17th, the Huamantlada with José Corral on horseback, on foot Calita, Sergio Flores and Diego San Román with seven from Begoña.

Many good bulls. It’s time to attend and defend our freedom from the stands. Good luck to everyone!

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