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The Blood Bank adds a WhatsApp line to the donor shift system

Those interested in obtaining a turn to donate blood at the Hospital de Ushuaia, may communicate through WhatsApp 2901-469669. “Adding new communication channels is essential in a Blood Bank”, said the technician Elizabeth Ponce, and stressed that “there is always someone who is in need of our action. Let’s not wait for the emergency call, together we can make a difference, ”he said.


he Blood Bank of the Ushuaia Regional Hospital incorporated a new communication channel through WhatsApp to manage donation shifts, which until now were only delivered through mail, social networks and telephone calls.
“From the Blood Bank we are pleased to add a new means of communication to those already known”, expressed the Technician in Hemotherapy, Elizabeth Ponce. And he stressed that “now you can ask for your turn to donate blood from the comfort of your cell phone by sending a WhatsApp to 2901-469669”.
Ponce considered that “adding new communication channels is essential in a Blood Bank”, and appreciated that “having an exclusive line for blood donors brings us closer together. Managing to break with setbacks and generating comfort to the potential donor who contacts us ”, he said.
He also recalled that in 2020, “the pandemic made us rethink the ways of working”, and from that, “we began to implement a shift schedule that allowed us, in addition to complying with the rules of distancing and avoiding crowds in a room waiting or inside the extraction box, be organized and optimized in terms of resources, and thus have a good permanent stock of units and be able to foresee the need in the intensity of our calls ”, he highlighted.
Ponce stressed that in the face of this new organization system of the Blood Bank, “we find an excellent response from our community of volunteer donors and the population in general”, and said that for this reason “we decided to continue with this shift agenda and thus continue to grow in the quality of care that we provide and project every day ”.
The Hemotherapy Service needs to collect between 3 and 4 units every day to supply the daily demand of patients under treatment, in addition to emergency situations. “It is very important to make this known, since there are many of us who inhabit this city and through education, interest and the correct information we can achieve this amount,” said Ponce.
“Sometimes it is unknown or doubts are generated about whether it is really necessary to approach to donate”, observed the Hemotherapy Technique and in this sense he stressed that “it is always necessary, it is always necessary, we are always waiting for them because there is always someone who is in need of our action –he remarked-. Let’s not wait for the emergency call, we can all make a difference ”.

Important information for blood donors

Those interested in joining as periodic voluntary blood donors, can contact the Blood Bank of the Hospital Regional Ushuaia via e-mail at [email protected]; through the Facebook ‘Banco de Sangre HRU’; by phone by calling 2901-441039, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and sending a WhatsApp to 2901-469669, from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
To donate blood, it is necessary to be 18 and 65 years of age (attend with DNI); weigh more than 50 kilos; not have tattoos or piercings done in the last 12 months, or surgeries in the last 6 months; inform if the person is taking any medication or undergoing some type of treatment; not fasting; respect the preventive protocol against COVID-19 and do not attend if in the last 15 days you had a fever, cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat or contact with suspected or confirmed cases of Coronavirus.

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