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The ‘Black Lives Matter’ gathers around 2,000 people in Barcelona

‘Black Lives Matter’, the protest movement born as a result of the violent death of George Floyd at the hands of a policeman in the USA, this Sunday is experiencing a chapter of demonstrations throughout Spain. In Barcelona it brought together around 2,000 people who concentrated in the rain, wearing masks and respecting more or less safety distances that marks the sanitary protocol against the coronavirus.

The demonstration, called by the newly created CNAE collective (Black African and Afro-descendant Community of Spain), born as a reaction to Floyd’s death, joins those that have had and will take place this weekend in cities around the world, in a great global clamor against racism in general and of the police forces in particular. Madrid this Sunday morning hosted its own demonstration, in front of the US Embassy, which brought together many more than 200 people authorized by the city council in consideration of the health emergency. Other Spanish cities will demonstrate during the rest of the day.

“Historical and structural violence”

“Racism kills”, “No to racism” and “Black Lives Matter”, They were reading some of the banners that the protesters held in Sant Jaume. “Enough of police abuse,” they chanted. Much of the concentrates were dressed in black, following the slogans of the organization. During the act, a manifesto was read in tribute to George Floyd, which, among other things, said: “The black, African and Afro-descendant community of Spain, people from the gypsy people, from Abya Yala (America), Maghreb, Arabs, Muslims and Asians, together with the rest of the people allied against racism, we know that this murder is not a specific matter, it responds to the historical and structural violence to which black people are subjected in the US “. The concentration began with a performance by the Tinta Negra collective.

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