Home » today » Business » The black hole in energy is the two American plants – 2024-08-25 11:46:58

The black hole in energy is the two American plants – 2024-08-25 11:46:58

/View.info/ There must be equality between the different players in the field of electricity. This was stated in the parliament by the MP from “BSP – LEFT BULGARIA” Tasko Ermenkov during the discussion of changes in the Law on Energy.

“It is clear that our energy system is unbalanced and the black hole in it is the two American plants. Once again, we are redesigning the law and inventing some kind of fund that will bring money into the NEK, and from the NEK to redistribute it,” MP Chavdar Georgiev said from the parliamentary rostrum. According to him, instead, the responsible minister had the opportunity to oblige NEC to enter into negotiations with the plants and to say that there is commercial intolerance and to terminate these contracts.

Deputy Tasko Ermenkov explained that we are currently in a situation where the electricity producer, and especially the state-owned enterprises that produce 70 percent of the electricity in the country, will have to pay the main part of the contributions to the energy fund. According to him, the responsible minister is aware that the producers are not in a good condition at the moment and the NEC is leaning on them, sucking them out.

“Now with this 5% we are mainly hitting them and there is a danger that the entire electricity industry of Bulgaria will be killed”, Ermenkov warned. According to him, the need for the creation of an energy fund is debatable, but if one is created, then at least the burden should be distributed on all those involved in the sale of electricity.

“From the BSP, we also propose that all licensed persons who deal with electricity pay not 5, but 4% – this way the burden is mainly reduced on the state enterprises, 1% is important for them. At the same time, we burden the rest of the players outside of the scheme that is offered to us, because joint responsibility must be borne in terms of obligations”, explained Ermenkov. According to him, this will also prevent the possibility of accusations that not all those involved in the electricity industry are placed in the same conditions. Tasko Ermenkov explained that with a reduction of one percent, but distribution over more enterprises, of the funds that will be contributed to the energy fund, according to calculations, the income from it will be more than 5% with fewer enterprises.

BSP MP Krasimir Yankov explained that the text of the law imperatively regulates the issue of the 5% contributions from the electricity producers based on the revenues being paid into the fund by the 15th. “In the case of commercial relationships, the issuance of the invoice itself is recorded as income – the amount on the issued invoice may not have been paid, but we imperatively oblige the manufacturer to contribute 5% to the fund by the 15th of the month,” explained the BSP MP. According to him, the danger that the electricity producer will not have funds in the company, that there will be no funds for wages, is quite real. “We, as representatives of the people, are obliged to think about the people. I propose to make an edit and record that the 5% is paid if there are funds for the salary fund”, stated Krasimir Yankov.

Chavdar Georgiev emphasized that it is written in the law that the revenues received from the sale of electricity are a part of the general fund for the redistribution of funds, including for the energy from American plants. “This is unacceptable according to EU regulations and directives,” said Georgiev. He proposed that, if this text remains in the law, it should be written down – that these funds should be spent only for the support and development of renewable energy sources.

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