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The bitter awakening of basketball players. We didn’t have threes and we had a lot of losses, Satoransky admitted

Chad Hipolito, ČTK / AP

“We knew that an extremely difficult opponent was waiting for us at the beginning and after the match I have to admit that Turkey deserved to win. I would see the biggest difference in the success of threes, “Captain Tomáš Satoranský reminded that the opponent sent 12 out of twenty-six attempts to the basket, while the national team hit only six threes and fired twenty-three.” we didn’t change nearly as much as our opponent, “Satoranský regretted, admitting that sometimes the Czech team was looking for a game match.

When he tried to do something else with an unfavorable match and inhaled the attack that could get the Czechia within range, they paid dearly for every mistake. Fifteen losses of the national team are in sharp contrast to the fact that the Turks lost the ball only seven times and felt the chance of an exhausted Czech player to reach the end of the match. “From the point of view of thinking about the procedure, it doesn’t matter if we lost by a point or by seventeen,” Satoransky realized.

The fight for Tokyo did not start well. Basketball players did not find a recipe for the Turks seeking revenge

“We didn’t like it there much, but it’s not worth crying about it anymore, the match is over. In Uruguay, we have to run out of energy, which we unfortunately only had against the Turks for a while. But if we can play with it practically the whole match and improve the percentage of shooting, I think we have a chance to win and continue to dream of the Olympic dream, “thought pivot Jan Veselý, who scored thirteen points and eleven rebounds.

“Next time we have to play much more physically, especially in the third and last quarter we were not as fresh as we would have imagined, but there is really no time for fatigue in this specific tournament. In about twenty hours, we will play a match that will decide whether to advance from the group and stay in the game for Tokyo, or go home right away, “Satoranský, the only Czech player from the NBA, realized.

At the same time, Turkey did well before defeating Uruguay. Five minutes before the end, the South American team led 79:74. In order for the favorite to win, coach Ene had to keep all the NBA aces on the field until the last second, led by Osman of Cleveland, Korkmaz of Philadelphia and Ilyas of Utah.

Lukáš Palyza (left) in a duel with Turk Furkan Korkmaz.

Chad Hipolito, ČTK / AP

“Uruguay surprised me that during her introductory performance she showed herself as a very well-organized team that can be very aggressive in defense. He has an excellent game from the perimeter even in the lower position. If we want to win over it, we have to go up with the performance. Perhaps we can really play better than against the Turks, “the author added fifteen points from the introductory Czech performance in Victoria. (Kez)

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