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The Bistro: A Cultural Hub Through History and Today

A few minutes before the anti-Covid lockdown, all the news channels sent their journalists to question those who were enjoying “the last moments of freedom” in the bistros of big cities. Later, the reopening of the same cafés marked the collective joy of a rediscovered essential place. The bistros, their terraces, their sociability had become the nerve center of political and moral affects, which they had never ceased to carry.

From the drinking establishment of 1789 to the 19th century countere century, passing through the caboulots of the early morning, the local inns, the great Parisian cafés, those of Commerce or Sports, the great provincial brasseries, this work restores the incredibly rich palette of this familiar place. Games and entertainment, female attendance, the golden age of the aperitif, the tavern, the importance of the waiter, the figure of the regular… the author explores all the complexity of the bistro, post d privileged observation of the evolution of our society.

The café asserts itself as a place of history, itself punctuated by countless stories, close to everyday life.

2023-10-25 09:24:41
#popular #history #bistros #Lab

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