Libreville, Tuesday December 26, 2023 (Infos Gabon) – The Doctrine Commission of the Episcopal Conference opposes this wish expressed on December 18 by Pope Francis, patron of the Roman Catholic Church.
More than a week after his declaration, Pope Francis’ latest outing asking priests to bless homosexual couples continues to cause a stir. Throughout the world, the Holy Father’s remarks sparked a wave of indignation and cast shame on the Roman Catholic Church. Far from being insensitive to this declaration, the bishops of Gabon made their point of view heard on the subject. Under the pen of Mgr Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan, bishop of Mouila and president of the Doctrine Commission of the Episcopal Conference of Gabon, they rejected this wish outright. “It is therefore appropriate to invite great caution and great spiritual discernment, so as not to go in search of the lost sheep while accepting the loss of a greater number,” he said. underlines. “Regarding the current situation in Gabon, the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI) has banned same-sex couples. So, in our country, this possibility of blessing these couples is automatically canceled,” he said.
For Mgr Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan, this declaration from the Vatican creates some confusion and undermines the credibility of the church. “This is why we humbly ask everyone to pray tirelessly in all circumstances, in order to avoid the media dizziness which makes us lose sight of the joy of Christian hope. This same presentation summarizes the document by speaking of ‘the possibility of blessing’ couples in an irregular situation and same-sex couples, without officially validating their status or modifying in any way the perennial teaching of the Church on marriage “, he emphasizes.
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