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The bimonthly post of the Génération Bessan municipal team with Hélène Grenouillon

Every two months, an elected representative of the Bessan municipality presents a note in the municipal information newspaper. Today, Hélène Grenouillon, elected in charge of employment, training, integration and trade.

To have a political commitment means to take part in the subjects, in the actions carried out by and for the citizens, it is to take part in the public life. In this, being a volunteer in an association represents a commitment where one offers his time without seeking individual profit. In this state of mind, I want to dwell on the act of giving blood. The reserves are low and scientific research has still not found a way to make artificial blood. Our solidarity makes it possible to treat the sick.

A single whole blood donation helps 3 lives. Red blood cells come to the aid of people suffering from bleeding or blood diseases. Platelets participate in the treatment of cancer or leukemia. As for plasma, it supports patients with immune deficiency. Donating an hour of your time, 4 times a year during mobile collections in the village hall, helps to save lives. Each fundraiser welcomes an average of 55 donors, faithful but also young people who come for the first time.

You are between 18 and 70 years old, you weigh more than 50 kilos and are in good physical shape: then you are the right candidate for blood donation. You don’t know if you can donate, take the test online at dondesang.efs.sante.fr. To thank you and especially to allow you to take a little break after the donation, the Bessan blood donor association offers a snack, a time often conducive to warm discussions. To donate blood, you don’t need a health pass.

However, in order to reduce waiting times and the concentration of people, the French Blood Establishment offers to make an appointment via the site: mon-rdv-dondesang.efs.sante.fr. However, the friendly wants to know that all people who wish to give can do so with or without an appointment, because it is solidarity that prevails. The associative fabric is very rich in our village, so, today, I want to challenge the members, the volunteers, the sports licensees.

Could we talk about Bessan for his next blood drives to the number of donors out of the ordinary. Let’s aim for the symbolic number of 100 donors per fundraising! Each fundraising campaign in 2022 could be sponsored by one or more associations. Dear presidents, do not hesitate to contact me (06 48 64 62 89) so that we can organize this great challenge.

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