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The bill that would limit the use of force by the police sparks controversy in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

I come back with you.giselle: reactions to everythingreform backed bynew york prosecutor leticiajames.punish the cops whothe civil population. the ideagenerated rapid rejection of severalparts and applause from others.we have the answer about theprotection of New Yorkers.gary: the moment about when andHow to act is at your discretionfrom the cop, join anew york state congress,but you risk beingprosecuted, but measure the forceagainst a civilian.we reached the cameras to the bronx,population regarding thisinitiative.although we know thatcops are the people whoare available fortake care of ourselves as citizens,citizenship must have certainrespect for them, but alsothere is a very obvious abuse.there must have been wingstraining for the police,because it is much better forprotocol for one person.gary: the project places afrom the state of new york thatpunishes with second charges andthird degree excessive use ofthe force, according tosaid the goal is to preservelives. the political analyst jMalone agreed.they are and the boysnew from upper manhattan. itclear the necessary balancebetween maintaining public orderand guarantee the rights ofthe citizens.gary: elected officials haveargued that the reform to thebail law and lawsuitscivilians have tied the hands ofthe cops to fight thecrime. this arises whenreported an increase inviolence in the city, sothat we ask for feedback from theunions that group it.They answered that thisproposal it may well be thatagents determine if they areallowed not to use force ina certain situation.the only solution wasface avoidclashes.the project is consideredstill in power I walk to those whocommit criminal acts.they are doing alegislation against us.they have to do alegislation forcriminals, do not generateresistance against us,when we have tomake an arrest.gary: the next step wasknowledge on the part ofSenate and Assembly in Albany.>> this law is not retroactive,after thecops investigated for useexcessive force, becausehis conduct led to deathsomeone’s, they murderedsomeone or someone hurt byexcess force.I ate justice that troóagainst the content that isanalyzing.>> the use of force byof the cops should neverbe considered justified,which is the important wing thatchange the words in thebooks is to choose prosecutors andelected officials, whopolicy to hold thethe abusive cops.Gary: the cop can stilluse physical force toavoid escape or in defenseown, if threateneddeath. or if perpetrator planscause damage to a thirdperson. to be approved inboth chambers, had validity

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