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The big clubs’ CL fate is decided in a dramatic end – VG

STAR BATTLE: Manchester United’s Marcus Rashford, Chelsea’s Tammy Abraham and Leicester’s Jamie Vardy are battling for CL games. Photo: Scanpix

With three rounds left of the Premier League, margins can determine which teams will get England’s last two Champions League places for next season.

Only one point separates Chelsea (60), Leicester (59) and Ole Gunnar Solskjærs Manchester United (59) in third, fourth and fifth place respectively. As is well known, only the top four are allowed to represent the nation in Europe’s most generous club tournament.

In addition, Wolverhampton (55), Sander Berges Sheffield United (54) and Tottenham (52) have a theoretical opportunity to practice a football miracle during the next week and a half. Fifth place will give Europa League ticket.

– It is planned for a perfect, dramatic ending, says TV 2 commentator Kasper Wikestad to VG.

(See the entire table at the bottom of the case)

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“Sensational collapse”

Already on Tuesday night, Chelsea kicks off the third last round of the season. Frank Lampard will probably muster one revenge-hungry crew against already relegated Alexander Tettey and his Norwich at Stamford Bridge.

Afterwards, Chelsea will play away against Liverpool before Wolverhampton visit the “bridge” in the final round on Sunday 26 July.

Leicester’s program consists of a home game against Berge’s Sheffield United, an away game against Tottenham and an Old Trafford battle against Manchester United.

For Solskjær’s red-clad star gallery, Crystal Palace awaits Selhurst Park, as well as West Ham and Champions League challenger Leicester on their own turf.

PREMIER LEAGUE COMMENTARY: Kasper Wikestad is excited about the end of the series in England. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen, NTB Scanpix

– There are two games in the last round of the series that can be absolutely decisive, with United-Leicester and Chelsea-Wolverhampton. We will not write off Wolverhampton completely, says Wikestad.

The TV 2 profile highlights the weak form of Leicester as the main reason why he keeps United and Chelsea as favorites for third and fourth place – with Wolves as a joker.

– The collapse of Leicester is sensational. Just look at the distance they had to Manchester United not long before the corona break, says Wikestad about the team of Brendan Rodgers who has only won two of the last eleven games.

– United the biggest favorite

When comparing the goal difference to Wolverhampton (+11), Chelsea (+14), Manchester United (+26) and Leicester (+29), the latter comes out best.

If two or more teams end up with the same number of points and the same goal difference, the number of goals scored will determine the position. For the time being, Leicester also leads the statistics with 65 online acquaintances against Chelsea’s 63 and United’s 61. If it does not become possible to separate the teams here either, the outcome in mutual settlement will decide.

– If you look at form and play now, Manchester United is the biggest favorite to end up at the top of the teams that are still in the battle for the Champions League. I think United and Chelsea take third and fourth place. I take that on United’s good form, Leicester’s collapse and Chelsea also due to Leicester’s collapse. Wolverhampton is a joker. It is not unlikely that they will win the last three, although they have also looked a little more marked, says Wikestad about the “wolves” who will face Burnley (b), Crystal Palace (h) and Chelsea (b) in the last three rounds.

– Do you think Berge and Sheffield United can shock by getting into the top four right at the back?

– Sheffield United have found the form again and shown that they can beat everyone. I think the Champions League train has gone for them, but it will be a fantastic achievement for them to make the top seven.

Manchester United and Wolverhampton also have a chance to qualify for the Champions League by winning the Europa League, where the teams are in the 8th round finals to be played in August.

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