Back pain is not just the result of lack of movement, aging or incorrect sitting position. Sometimes, the lack of certain vitamins in the body can trigger or worsen back pain. This is because vitamins play an important role in preventing inflammation in the body, one of the main causes of painful episodes of arthritis or rheumatism.
In this article you will find out which are the best vitamins for back pain and in which foods you can find them.
The best vitamins for back pain
Sure, you can get your vitamins from supplements, but the healthiest thing is to eat right. Moreover, vitamins are more efficiently absorbed in the body if we get them from natural sources.
Here are the vitamins you might be lacking if you’re dealing with back pain and the richest food sources that contain them.
Vitamin B
The B complex of vitamins is very important for the prevention and relief of back pain, especially vitamins B1, B3, B6 and B12.
According to studies, these vitamins help to “soothe” the nerves in the back area, strengthen the muscles and have anti-inflammatory effects similar to drugs usually taken for back pain.
At the same time, B vitamins increase energy levels and increase the production of red blood cells, which transport oxygen from the lungs to tissues and organs and take in carbon dioxide to be eliminated through respiration.
The best dietary sources of vitamin B are: fish, nuts, sunflower seeds, beetroot, fortified cereals, brewer’s yeast, potatoes, carrots, eggplant, mushrooms, cantaloupe, green beans.
Vitamin C
Among the best vitamins for back pain is vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Especially known for its beneficial role in supporting immunity and reducing the risk of respiratory infections (colds, flu, etc.), vitamin C can also play an important role in relieving back pain.
Studies also show that vitamin C can slow the progression of osteoarthritis by repairing tissue and reducing inflammation in the body. Moreover, vitamin C helps the body absorb calcium, a very important mineral for healthy bones.
The best dietary sources of vitamin C are: citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, pomelo, grapefruit, pineapple, tomatoes), bell pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, parsley.
Vitamin D
Back pain can also occur due to vitamin D deficiency, also called the “sunshine vitamin”. Especially in the cold season, when the sun is not too generous, we can face a lack of vitamin D if we do not eat the right foods.
This vitamin helps to develop and maintain bone health, aids calcium absorption and reduces the risk of inflammation in the body.
Studies show that people who take vitamin D supplements or follow a vitamin D-appropriate diet experience significant relief from back pain.
The best dietary sources of vitamin D are: fish (salmon, sardines, tuna), seafood, fortified cereals, mushrooms, milk, eggs.
Vitamin E
Another vitamin you may be deficient in if you suffer from back pain is vitamin E. It reduces inflammation and acts “like a balm” on muscle tissue.
It also has an important role for immunity and helps improve blood circulation.
The best dietary sources of vitamin E are: wheat germ, olive oil, avocado, whole grains, egg yolk, nuts (walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds), liver, peanut butter.
Calcium and magnesium prevent back pain
As important as the vitamins mentioned above are calcium and magnesium, minerals that significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis and back pain.
Calcium is the “best friend” of strong bones, while magnesium is the ally of muscles and nerve endings.
The best dietary sources of calcium and magnesium are: dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, yogurt), small fish (sardines, sprat), seafood, sunflower, pumpkin seeds, wheat bran, nuts, legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas), spinach, kale, endives, lettuce, asparagus, watercress.
Keep in mind, therefore, that the best vitamins for back pain are mainly obtained from food, but you need to supplement this with daily exercise and weight loss if necessary.
2023-09-04 17:29:39
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