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The Best Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Weight Gain

For some people, gaining weight can be just as difficult. with weight loss Even though the desire to gain weight seems superficial It may not take much effort. Because you just need to eat more food to increase the calories your body uses for energy. This will increase your weight. However, good weight gain is not fat gain. But you should focus on gaining muscle. Therefore, it is not that you can eat whatever you want. If you should increase your weight in a healthy way along with taking vitamins and minerals that will help the body’s weight gain process more efficiently. On the other hand, these vitamins also help increase appetite.

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Vitamin C

Vitamin C has many health benefits. In addition to boosting the immune system and maintaining good health, It also plays a role in weight gain. It helps in the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for muscle growth and repair. It also helps with iron absorption and helps manage cortisol levels. This can help reduce stress that may contribute to weight loss.

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Vitamin B12 (Vitamin B12)

Vitamin B complexIt plays an important role in converting food into energy and maintaining a healthy metabolism. Especially vitamin B12, which is beneficial for weight gain. Because it helps convert food into energy. and helps with appetite as well One study found that vitamin B12 supplements increased the appetite of patients with weight loss and anemia and returned them to a healthy weight.

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Vitamin D

Vitamin D is not only important for bone health. But it also plays a role in weight control. Research suggests that people who are vitamin D deficient may have difficulty gaining weight. That’s because adequate levels of vitamin D help increase calcium absorption. which is important for muscle function and helps increase weight by improving muscle mass and bone density.

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Vitamin A

As is well known,Vitamin ABoosts the immune system It is important for vision. It is also an antioxidant that helps keep the skin youthful. But one lesser-known benefit of vitamin A is that it can help with weight gain. By promoting the growth and increasing the efficiency of cells within various organs in the body.

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FolateAlso known as “folic acid,” folate is not a weight gainer at all. But folate deficiency can cause weight loss. This is because folate increases energy levels and increases appetite. This means that when the body does not have enough folate, It may make you feel tired and not want to eat.

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It is well known that calcium helps maintain bones and is good for healthy teeth. But when calcium is combined with vitamin D, it becomes a mineral that is very beneficial for weight gain. Because calcium helps increase bone density. Including promoting muscle growth This causes weight to increase and the body to become stronger.

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Iron (Iron)

Iron is a mineral that the body cannot make on its own. It is useful in helping the body use and transfer oxygen throughout the body well. Iron deficiency or vitamin deficiency anemia May cause weight loss. However, if the body receives too much iron, it is not beneficial. Therefore, taking iron supplements should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Information: Drip Hydration

2024-01-04 10:23:30

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