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The Best Tension Pressure At Dawn

Jakarta – Heart & blood vessel specialist from Hasanuddin University, DR. dr. Antonia Anna Lukito, Sp.JP(K) advises high blood pressure patients to check their pressure in the morning around 02.00 or 03.00.

“It’s known for spikes in the morning. Tension is highest before waking up, at dawn. If a patient has tension, take it at 2 or 3 in the morning,” said Antonia through a webinar. health, Thursday.

According to Antonia, who is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Indonesian Cardiovascular Specialist Association (PERKI) Banten branch, those who blood pressure high in the morning usually has a lower pressure test result at other times for example during the day, afternoon and evening. He said this was normal and nothing to worry about.

Morning surgeThe blood pressure is distinguished from morning tension and when sleep doesn’t spike, we see that the 24-hour tension isn’t just for a moment. For example, in the morning the height is 150/90 mmHg but the rest until the evening is good, it’s still fine-fine only,” he said.

Blood pressure, as quoted from Medical News Today, refers to the force used by the heart to pump blood around the circulatory system.

Several factors can affect blood pressure, including stress, physical activity and diet. Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80 mm Hg.

A reading between 120/80 mm Hg and 139/89 mm Hg indicates you are at risk for hypertension, while a reading over 140/90 mm Hg indicates hypertension.

Blood pressure rises and falls throughout the day and night. During sleep, blood pressure drops 10–30 percent. Then it increases around waking time. In some people, this increase may be significant and result in morning hypertension.

People who have abnormal blood pressure patterns may be at risk for complications, such as heart attacks and strokes. A 2010 review showed that the incidence of stroke and other serious heart problems peaks in the first 4-6 hours after waking.

Regular home blood pressure checks can help you better understand fluctuations in blood pressure, as well as identify morning episodes of hypertension.

Before measuring blood pressure, you should first empty the bladder, rest comfortably and quietly for 5 minutes before measuring blood pressure.

Also, avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, or exercising within 30 minutes of taking your blood pressure.

Then, when taking blood pressure readings take the readings at the same time each day, sitting with your back straight, legs not crossed, and feet flat on the floor.

Rest the arm on a flat surface so that the upper arm is at heart level, then, place the cuff on the arm so that the bottom of the cuff is just above the elbow crease.

Take two or three readings spaced about 1 minute apart and average them. Do not forget to record all readings, as this can help the doctor determine the best treatment. (ant/mii)

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