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The best pranks for April Fool’s Day you can do on WhatsApp

The Day of the Holy Innocents It is a celebration present all over the planet. This is celebrated in Spain on December 28thalthough in Anglo-Saxon countries it is held on April 1 the April Fool’s Day.

If this is characterized by something Day of the Innocents It is for the jokes and the various news of dubious credibility, on social networks but also on the media. Another of the great customs to be proud of in Spain is the celebration of TVE galawith different moments with celebrities and a large collection of money that is donated for the children with disabilities.

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Feast of the Holy Innocents: origin, why it is celebrated

Even though it’s quite unknown, the Day of the Innocents to celebrate a tragedy directly related to Christianity and the birth of Jesus Christ. Upon learning of his arrival in the world a few days before, the king Herod ordered to kill all children under two years of age Belen.

the second Gospel St. Matthew he explains it thus: “The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said to him: ‘Get up, take the child and his mother with you and fled to Egypt; and stay there until I tell you to. Because Herod will look for the child to kill him». He got up, took the child and his mother by night and withdrew to Egypt; and he remained there until the death of Herod; that he might fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: I have called my son out of Egypt.’

“Then Herod, seeing that he had been deceived by the magicians, was terribly enraged and sent kill all the children of Bethlehem and of all its region, from two years down, according to the time that had been indicated by the magicians”, continues the biblical writing. The celebration dates back to 4th centurybeing a commemoration of the church to remember the innocent saints, the children who could not yet have committed any sin.

The best April Fool’s Day jokes

The ingenuity of the people and the different brands bring out all their brilliance with the jokes of the Day of the Innocents on a December 28th in which you have to doubt everything (or almost) what arrives on your mobile phone.

The Day of the Holy Innocents It is a celebration present all over the planet. This is celebrated in Spain on December 28thalthough in Anglo-Saxon countries it is held on April 1 the April Fool’s Day.

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