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The best playlists and podcasts for jogging on Spotify

If you want to keep yourself up to date about running while running, that’s it Achilles Running Podcast warmly recommended. Discussions are held with competent people – on topics such as health, nutrition, fitness and, well, running. Triathlon champion Sebastian Kienle is about mental strength, Professor Sabine Mertel is about running against depression, and movement analyst Björn Gustafsson is about the right running style. An anniversary episode on the occasion of the 100th episode has just appeared. Runs with them.

If anyone is able to put together a decent running playlist, then jogging-passionate DJs must be. One of them: Peggy Gou, who regularly completes her ten kilometers and therefore under the name Peggy Gou’s Running Tracks specially put together a perfectly coordinated song collection. It starts off fairly smoothly with hip-hop tunes from A Tribe Called Quest, Big Pun and Talib Kweli, then builds up with funk tracks from George Benson and MFSB and then really takes off in electronic realms with pieces by Derrick May and Josh Wink. In all honesty: if you can keep the BPM pace running, you are already well ahead in terms of fitness.

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