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the best photos and videos, day by day

After six intense days of partying, Little by little Tolosa returns to normality after leaving some unforgettable images.

Fat Thursday: rocket

video-play="true" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject" itemprop="video" data-id="957672506" data-vars-video-tipo="propio" data-vars-video-autor="ruben plaza" data-vars-video-origen="propios" data-vars-video-upload="TODO" data-vars-video-titulo="performance previa al txupinazo de tolosa">

Performance previa al chupinazo de Tolosa
Reuben Plaza

video-play="true" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject" itemprop="video" data-id="381467476" data-vars-video-tipo="propio" data-vars-video-autor="ruben plaza" data-vars-video-origen="propios" data-vars-video-upload="TODO" data-vars-video-titulo="multitudinario txupinazo en los carnavales de tolosa">

Massive txupinazo at the Tolosa Carnival

Massive txupinazo at the Tolosa Carnival
Reuben Plaza

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Carnavales de Tolosa 2022: rocket
News from Gipuzkoa

The knightly eve

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Regular Saturday in the Tolosa Carnival
martha san sebastian

the knight

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Tolosa lives the big day of the carnivals
Arnaitz Rubio


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[Fotos] Tolosa lives its Astelenita on Carnival Monday
Reuben Plaza

video-play="true" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject" itemprop="video" data-id="1205826313" data-vars-video-tipo="propio" data-vars-video-autor="ruben plaza" data-vars-video-origen="propios" data-vars-video-upload="TODO" data-vars-video-titulo="video artistas internacionales actuan en el carnaval de tolosa">

[Vídeo]  International artists perform at the Tolosa Carnival

[Vídeo] International artists perform at the Tolosa Carnival
Reuben Plaza

on tuesday

video-play="true" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject" itemprop="video" data-id="1499539156" data-vars-video-tipo="propio" data-vars-video-autor="marta san sebastian" data-vars-video-origen="propios" data-vars-video-upload="TODO" data-vars-video-titulo="carnaval de tolosa los autos de choque ponen ritmo tecno rumba en asteartita">

Tolosa Carnival: bumper cars set techno-rumba rhythm in Asteartita

Tolosa Carnival: bumper cars set techno-rumba rhythm in Asteartita
martha san sebastian

video-play="true" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject" itemprop="video" data-id="1363906872" data-vars-video-tipo="propio" data-vars-video-autor="marta san sebastian" data-vars-video-origen="propios" data-vars-video-upload="TODO" data-vars-video-titulo="los carnavales de tolosa parodian el tribunal constitucional">

The Carnivals of Tolosa parody the Constitutional Court

The Carnivals of Tolosa parody the Constitutional Court
martha san sebastian

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Carnavales de Toulouse 2022: Tuesdays
News from Gipuzkoa

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