Home » today » Business » The best pastry shop in the Czech Republic has suddenly gone bankrupt. He made a big mistake

The best pastry shop in the Czech Republic has suddenly gone bankrupt. He made a big mistake

If you feel that a pastry shop represents a certain bargain because people just love to have a snack and will never give it up, perhaps the story of one of the largest and best pastry shops in the Czech Republic will convince you otherwise. Its tradition reaches almost a hundred years, yet it did not survive the current situation and failed.

Tradition was not enough

Entrepreneurs today face enormous pressure, most likely even greater than families themselves, whose incomes are at least on the rise. But it is precisely the entrepreneurs who have to pay higher salaries and in some way have to deal with the increase in the prices of incoming raw materials and especially energy. For many, he has already created such a combination from which they have not found a way out.

One of these companies is the Emil Geigher pastry shop. It was founded as early as 1924 and for a long time, to the satisfaction of its customers, it managed numerous branches throughout the Czech Republic, including Prague. People liked to come here to buy sweets that were still honestly made, because they didn’t skimp on ingredients.

The patisserie was in fact very traditional, as evidenced by the fact that pastry chefs and local shop assistants worked here for decades. What was their surprise when they suddenly received one-hour notices claiming that the company was about to be liquidated.

Photo: Shutterstock

Prices have not risen

Apparently, the candy store made a big mistake that cost him his existence. Apparently, he was afraid of raising prices, which is a necessity these days. On social media, customers have wondered how it is possible that the cakes here still cost the same, when elsewhere they have already passed the hundred crowns threshold. You still bought them here for a few dozen crowns each.

But it was unbearable. Once it just stopped working. The owners may have preferred to close rather than having to raise prices. Perhaps they thought that no one would buy their products at such prices.

In any case, it is a real shame that such a name ends up on the Czech pastry map. Unfortunately, however, it is not excluded that the current crisis will lead to another one.

Photo: Shutterstock

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