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The Best Painkillers to Take on an Empty Stomach

Feeling miserable and not being able to get a bite down your throat is a well-known phenomenon when you are ill. But what if you do pain relief want to take? Is it harmful to take this on an empty stomach?

Difference per painkiller

Whether you can take a painkiller on an empty stomach without any worries depends on which type you choose. For example, there is a difference between paracetamol, ibuprofen and aspirin effects on an empty stomach Re. If you often need to take painkillers, consult your doctor to see which one works best in your situation.


Ibuprofen is usually used to suppress pain, fever and inflammation. Although ibuprofen can relieve pain, it can also cause stomach and intestinal complaints. If you are sensitive to this, it is not wise to take ibuprofen on an empty stomach. If you do not experience any complaints and have not had conditions such as a stomach ulcer in the past, you can in principle safely take the painkiller on an empty stomach. The same applies to other so-called ‘NSAIDS’ such as naproxen and diclofenac.


Are you having trouble eating, but do you need a painkiller? Then paracetamol is preferred. Paracetamol can have an analgesic and fever-reducing effect and you will notice this effect more quickly if you take the drug on an empty stomach. Paracetamol also has no unpleasant side effects for your stomach or intestines.


The words aspirin and paracetamol are often used interchangeably, but they are really two different types of painkillers. Users of aspirin can suffer from stomach and intestinal complaints, so it may not be an ideal painkiller if you already suffer from these organs. If you have stomach and intestinal problems, take the aspirin with a meal. Do you not notice this side effect? Then you can also take aspirin on an empty stomach. Just like paracetamol, the painkiller also works faster.

Source: Tips and Facts | Image: Adobe Stock

2024-01-20 09:30:55
#painkillers #empty #stomach

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