The fact that a product is cheaper now than it was a month ago doesn’t make it a good deal. Maybe it was even cheaper the month before. In our overviews you will therefore find a green label with “Lowest price since 6 months”. So every time we check if the product has been so cheap in the last six months. Why six months? Some products may have been available at the same low price last year on or shortly after Black Friday, but that doesn’t make the deal any less attractive at the moment. You’ll also find products that have taken a big drop in price, but they may not be priced as low as ever. They’re still interesting, but just a little less sharp.
If you are now considering purchasing a product, it never hurts to consult the pricing table on the product page. Here you can see the price trend from the first day the product was in the Price list could be found, both the minimum price and the average price. Here we also show the lowest price level of the last six months.