Home » Health » The Best Milk for Diabetics: Recommendations and Restrictions

The Best Milk for Diabetics: Recommendations and Restrictions

BERITASUKOHARJO.com – Diabetics do have some restrictions on consuming food or drink, here are some recommendations for the right milk for diabetics.

There are several types of milk that diabetics cannot consume because they contain ingredients that can cause an increase in blood sugar.

Therefore, diabetics must see some of the ingredients in milk packaging so that it is safe to drink without adverse effects on health.

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Even so, the protein content in milk is also very beneficial for diabetics in controlling blood sugar levels

The following BeritaSukoharjo.com has cited recommendations for milk for blood sugar sufferers from the YouTube channel dr. Cahyo EDUKES, and redistributed for you.

Listen and follow a brief explanation of the following recommendations for good milk for people with blood sugar.

Also Read: Are You Diabetic? Check out 6 tips for consuming juice so as not to increase blood sugar

2023-06-01 16:37:07
#Diabetics #choice #type #milk #blood #sugar #levels #Berita #Sukoharjo

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