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The best lawyers for private clients

More than 165,000 lawyers in over 50,000 law firms offer their services to private individuals and companies in Germany. How can a normal person find the right one? After studies and state exams there is no TÜV and no tests for lawyers. At best, the specialist lawyer title provides orientation, but around 45,000 legal advisors also have that. The stern therefore asked those who know their way around the confusing market best: the lawyers themselves. They experience their colleagues and know who can get the best out of them in court and in negotiations.

The study

The partner of the study is the renowned market research institute Statista, which determines rankings and top lists worldwide. First, a list of lawyers from different disciplines and regions was researched. This random sample was created with the help of the registers of the regional bar associations, the directory of attorneys of the German Bar Association and through research on the websites of law firms. In addition, other lawyers were able to register directly to participate. 24,813 lawyers were invited to an online survey that ran from September 28 to November 6, 2020. Each participant could recommend up to ten law firms for private clients per field of law. The question was deliberately not about individual persons, but about law firms, because comprehensive and continuous support is to be expected there. Of course, the participants could not name their own law firm.

The result

A total of 3928 participants made 17 958 recommendations. The stern names the best 177 law firms from four specialist areas – from labor law to traffic law. At the same time, the business magazine “Capital” is publishing further lists from other areas of law. The recommendations do not apply to companies, but to private clients. Even if it is an expert survey, a minimum number of evaluations has been set – usually ten, depending on the size of the legal field. Only law firms that have been recommended more than average have made it onto the list of the best. The stern provides an orientation aid where clients can expect a high level of competence – that does not mean that all other law firms are disqualified.


The stern-Editorial works only with study partners with a high level of expertise. Statista brings this with them. The independent market research institute works for a large number of clients. However, the neutrality of data collection and analysis is always guaranteed. Via the questionnaire and the study criteria, the stern-Editorial decided. No law firm was able to apply to participate in the survey or to influence inclusion in the list. The award-winning providers have the opportunity for their external presentation stern– Acquire seal. More detailed information on the conditions of this seal can be found at stern.de/siegel

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