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The Best Guide to Witness the Perseid Meteor Shower in Indonesia – August 2023

Phenomenon astronomy What’s interesting this August is Perseid meteor shower. Meanwhile, meteor Rain Perseid will experience its peak on August 12-13 2023.

Rain meteor is the event of a meteor falling and passing through the Earth in large numbers and looks like rain falling.

When it enters the Earth through the atmosphere, meteors will burn so that they appear to have a reddish tail behind them or are called comets.

This fairly rare asteroid phenomenon is a pity to miss. Check out the guide on how to see the Perseid meteor shower in this article, Young People.

Perseid meteor shower can be witnessed in Indonesia on 12-13 August 2023 (NASA)

The meteor shower phenomenon is an interesting one to watch, young people.

The Perseid meteor shower is considered the best meteor shower of the year. The reason is, the Perseid meteor shower will come in large numbers.

Actually, the Perseid meteor shower occurs on July 17-24 August 2023. However, the peak of the Perseid meteor shower in the Indonesian sky will occur on August 12-13 2023.

How to See the Perseid Meteor Shower

Here’s how to see the Perseid meteor shower in Indonesia 12-13 August 2023 (AFP)

Even though the Head of the Space Research Center for the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Emanuel Sungging revealed that the Perseid meteor shower occurred for one week of peak duration, August 12-13 2023 is the peak of the Perseid meteor shower or the most.

Furthermore, Emanuel said the peak of the Perseid meteor shower is best seen on 12-13 August 2023 during the observation time at 00.14-05.36 WIB.

The peak of the Perseid meteor shower on August 13 2023 will also have an intensity of 36 to 61 meteors per hour.

This phenomenon can be seen throughout the Indonesian sky. However, he suggests the best location to view this phenomenon is in a dark place.

As quoted by Kompas via Space, to get the best experience of seeing a meteor shower, observations should be made in the middle of the night until before dawn. The observation area must also be dark and far from obstructions.

Before making observations, make sure the observer is in a dark location and get used to the sight for 30 minutes. Next, sit back and relax while waiting for the meteor shower to appear.

For the record, meteor showers do not have a negative impact on humans. In addition, this phenomenon will not cause the ozone layer to thin.

2023-08-11 06:00:00
#Perseid #Meteor #Shower #Indonesia #August #PramborsFM

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