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The best foods for strong bones

Osteoporosis, also known as bone loss, is a disease in which bone mass decreases more and the skeleton becomes more susceptible to fractures and small cracks because it lacks the necessary stability. Calcium is an important building block to keep the bones strong for as long as possible. An overview of the best calcium suppliers.

An estimated seven million Germans are from osteoporosis affected. Around the age of 45, the balance of bone-building cells and bone-degrading cells slowly shifts. It is normal for bones to become weaker with age. With osteoporosis, however, this process is significantly accelerated.

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The bones need movement

Not all risk factors for osteoporosis can be influenced, for example genetic factors. With a healthy lifestyle, however, an important part can contribute to bone health. Those who do not smoke and drink little alcohol do important bone care. Regular exercise is also essential as it stimulates the formation of new bone.

Calcium requirements per day is 1,000 milligrams

You should also look for a calcium-rich nutrition pay attention, because the mineral strengthens the bones. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends that adults consume 1,000 milligrams calcium ro day. The umbrella organization for osteology (DVO) also gives this value, or a maximum amount of 1,500 milligrams.

Calcium-rich foods: Dairy products, cheese & Co.

Good sources of calcium are milk and milk products. Green vegetables such as kale, fennel, spinach and broccoli as well as herbs, including chives, are also good sources of calcium. Legumes and nuts not only have important nutrients, but are also rich in the mineral. The storage tanks can also be filled up well by choosing a calcium-rich mineral water.

Good to know: If mineral water contains at least 150 milligrams of calcium per liter, it may be labeled “contains calcium”. The Osteoporosis Self-Help Groups Dachverband e.V. therefore recommends mineral water as an alternative to milk and milk products. Studies have shown that mineral water as a calcium supplier is at least as good as milk and milk products. This knowledge is particularly important for people with a lactose intolerance, but also for those who want to save calories.

Depending on the fat content, 200 milliliters of milk contain around 240 milligrams of calcium, 200 milliliters of buttermilk contain around 220 milligrams and 100 grams of yogurt contain around 100 milligrams. Much more can be found in cheese: 100 grams of Parmesan have 1,200 milligrams of calcium, 100 grams of Emmentaler 1,100 milligrams and 100 grams of Gouda about 800 milligrams.

When it comes to green vegetables, kale is far ahead with 200 milligrams per 100 grams, broccoli is just over 100 milligrams. 100 grams of hazelnuts contain 225 milligrams, Brazil nuts around 130 milligrams of the mineral. There are around 80 milligrams in red lenses.

Calcium: Can only be used with vitamin D.

Vitamin D is also needed for calcium to be absorbed by the body and introduced into the bones and hardened, so that the body itself produces 80 to 90 percent of the need when the skin comes into contact with solar radiation. 10 to 20 percent is ingested through food, such as fish such as mackerel, herring and salmon, or via eggs and mushrooms.

Depending on the skin type, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) recommends going out in the sun for about five to ten minutes a day in summer, and about 10 to 25 minutes in spring and autumn. It is sufficient if the face and hands, depending on the temperature, also arms or legs are bare. In winter, the body gets most of its vitamin D requirements from the stores.

Inhibit phosphates the calcium intake

When it comes to nutrition, it is also important to avoid phosphates in food as much as possible, as these inhibit calcium absorption in the intestine. They are found in cola, baked goods, canned goods and meat and sausage products. Among other things, the abbreviations E338 to E341, E343, E450 to E452, E1410 and E1412 to E1414 indicate their use in the list of ingredients. Certain medications also interfere with the supply of the mineral, for example preparations against heartburn.

nutritional supplements in the absence of calcium

According to experts, nutritional supplements for calcium supply only make sense if there is really a calcium deficiency. In addition to food, the BfR recommends not consuming more than 500 milligrams of the mineral per day.

Important NOTE: The information is by no means a substitute for professional advice or treatment by trained and recognized doctors. The content of t-online.de cannot and must not be used to independently diagnose or start treatment.

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