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The Best Foods and Drinks to Boost Your Immune System and Fight the Cold

Especially in winter it seems to be one cold almost inevitable. Very annoying of course, and if you have it you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Is there a miracle cure that will instantly get rid of your illness? No Unfortunately. But you can give your health a boost, so you feel better again faster. We list a number of types of food and drinks that are great for your resistance.

To drink water

It may sound cliché, but when you’re sick, nothing is more important than staying hydrated. A good moisture balance helps in the fight against bacteria and viruses. Therefore, make sure you drink a few sips of water every fifteen minutes. Tea is also a good option, because hot drinks help clear the airways and relieve your complaints.

Vitamin C: fruits and vegetables

Eating vitamin C really gives your resistance a boost. Luckily, there are a lot of fruits and vegetables that are packed with this vitamin! How about peppers, kiwi or orange? Also useful if you are really sick and have difficulty eating, because you can of course make a juice or smoothie from it. Delicious!


A warm soup can also make you feel better quickly. The warmth of the soup soothes the throat and relieves cold symptoms. In addition, soups are often packed with vegetables, which in turn contain vitamins and minerals. The best known cold cure is of course chicken soup. Chicken soup is rich in protein, electrolytes (think sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium) and other essential nutrients. This soup provides the necessary hydration and gives new energy, making it indispensable to quickly get rid of the flu.

Bowl of oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in dietary fiber and provides a lot of energy, which you can use when you have the flu. In addition, oatmeal contains essential nutrients such as vitamin B, iron, magnesium and zinc. For example, make delicious oatmeal pancakes for breakfast, or use it in a smoothie. You can vary endlessly with oatmeal!


When you’re dealing with a cold, proteins can also play a role in the recovery process. Proteins are the building blocks of the body, which help with the functioning of your muscles and the functioning of your immune system. Choose protein-rich foods such as lean poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and legumes. This way you give your body the necessary strength to combat symptoms and get fit again quickly.

Source: Libelle, Kookfans Archive | Image: Adobe Stock

2023-12-29 09:56:21
#Catch #cold #foods #track

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