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The best drinks for burning fat, slimming and losing weight quickly

Obesity and overweight are among the most common problems in this era, and the reason for this is due to the fast lifestyle and eating ready-made foods, so we offer you wonderful drinks that help burn fat quickly, and it is enough to add them to your diet to get rid of extra calories, and These drinks suppress appetite, and it is sufficient to do some exercise or walk daily to see remarkable results and rapid weight loss.

The best fat burning drinks

Consuming drinks that work to lose weight regularly enhances the metabolism and burning of fats, and the perseverance in consuming these drinks makes the person not feel hungry, which makes you not overeat, and among these drinks are the following:

1- Apple cider vinegar for weight loss

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best drinks that are used to burn fat, and since apple cider vinegar works to stabilize blood sugar levels, which makes you crave food, in addition to that it burns fat in a large proportion because it contains acetic acid, so it is preferable to drink apple cider vinegar in the morning on an empty stomach And before eating breakfast.

And given that apple cider vinegar has a high pH, ​​so you should dissolve a tablespoon in a glass of water and then eat it, as you must be careful to take it without dilution so that it does not cause damage to the tooth enamel as well as irritation in the throat.

2- Cumin, lemon and ginger drink

the components:

  • 1 large cup of water.
  • Half a spoonful of roasted cumin powder.
  • A teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • A small piece of ginger root.


Cut the ginger root into small pieces, put it with a cup of water in a blender, and beat them until the ingredients become smooth, then add cumin powder and lemon juice and stir them well, and drink the drink daily morning and evening.

3- green tea

Green tea drink is one of the fat-burning and slimming drinks, as it is characterized by antioxidants, which makes it beneficial for health, and also makes the body convert the food you eat into energy, and green tea contains diuretics, so it reduces body fat, and even achieve the highest benefit from drinking green tea It should be taken three times a day, every day.

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