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The best buildings and the most significant processes – nominated for the Latvian Architecture of the Year Award

On Thursday, October 8, the Selection Jury of the Latvian Architecture of the Year Award announced works – buildings and processes – that will continue the struggle for the highest award in Latvian architecture.

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As the representatives of the Latvian Architects’ Union informed at a press conference on Thursday, October 8, nine nominees nominated by the jury will compete for the Latvian Architecture of the Year Award. In the next stage, the evaluation of the works is handed over to the Final Jury, which will select the winners of the main prizes. The solemn ceremony and presentation of the Latvian Architecture Annual Award 2020 will take place on October 30, in the Aistere Hall of the H2O 6th quarter.

According to the organizers, this year 50 applications were received for the Latvian Architecture of the Year Award, among which are private houses built with special attention, as well as objects of public importance, as well as events related to architecture. The competition selection jury has nominated nine nominees for further evaluation of the works.

In the category “Landscape architecture, environmental improvement, environmental objects” there is a transformation of Melluži Concert Garden, in the category “Restoration” – “Hanseatic platform. Reconstruction of a warehouse for building entertainment”, in the category ” “- Dzirciema Pharmacy. In the “Interior” category, the “Hagberg office” has been nominated for the main competition for further competitions, in the category “Processes” – “GO[A]T WASTE? “, But in the category” Apartment buildings “- Apartment building complex” Koka Rīgā “, Reconstruction of buildings in Miesnieku Street, as well as Viesturdārzs quarter. On the website of the Latvian Union of Architects.

“In the global process, we are not only involved in following fashion trends or being able to apply all the latest construction technologies, but in our attitudes towards the environment, climate change, resource use and consumption culture. The world is experiencing this year, rather than the emergence of new, revolutionary uses of space, but much faster the processes that had gradually developed in society before that. There are functions and notions of space use that have already begun to transform or even become questionable, and this These aspects were even more in the focus of this year ‘s jury’ s attention, “comments Vents Vinbergs, a representative of the Latvian Architecture Annual Award 2020 selection jury.

The jury for the selection of the Latvian Architecture Annual Award 2020 consists of architects and last year’s award recipients Brigita Bula, Artūrs Lapiņš, Ināra Caunīte and Vita Škapare, architectural critic Vents Vīnbergs and artist Jānis Avotiņš. In the next stage of the competition, the 9 nominated works will be judged and the decision on the main prizes will be made by the Final Jury, which, as usual, consists of foreign architectural professionals. The jury will be represented by Octavio Mestre (Spain), Andro Mand (Estonia), Chris Luebkeman (Switzerland), Gustė Kančaitė (Lithuania), as well as Brigita Bula, the chairman of the Selection Jury, last year’s golden pineapple winner.

Within the framework of the Latvian Architecture Annual Award 2020, Architecture Week will be celebrated in Latvia from October 26 to 30. The most significant events of these days will be: the opening of the nominees’ exhibition on October 26, which will take place in Riga’s urban environment – billboards, discussion on architectural processes on October 28, and on the closing day, October 30 – lectures by industry professionals, followed by the most anticipated event – Latvian Architecture awards 2020 awards ceremony. The event will take place in the Aister Hall of the 6th quarter of the H20, and will be linked to the unifying theme of this year’s Architecture of the Year Award, “Unintended Consequences”.

“The submitted objects were evaluated – if and how they correspond to the formulated spirit of time – to put nature at the center. The theme suggests thinking about consequences that we cannot imagine, or even reliably predicting when drawing and constructing projects, for example cubic meters of construction debris. happy coincidences that just happen – unplanned and unimagined.With a pandemic as a filter – we have planned, wanted something one thing, but got something completely different.When to build and when not to build, what to build and how to build on behalf of and assume that ever non-construction is also architecture. ” Brigita Bula, Chairwoman of the Latvian Architecture Annual Award 2020 Selection Jury, commented on the importance of the main topic.

According to the organizers, all works submitted to the Latvian Architecture Award will be evaluated according to the same and equally important criteria: idea and concept, project unity or whether the work can be considered as a whole, compliance with the project task, context and scale, diligence and thoroughness, as well as public significance and emotional impact.

Latvian Architecture Annual Award is an annual national architectural competition with the aim to identify and popularize the best performances of Latvian architecture and to promote high-quality development of architecture. The annual award is the largest event of the year in Latvian architecture, recognized as a nationally significant event, and the award itself is the highest award in Latvian architecture. The Latvian Architecture Annual Award is organized by Latvian Union of Architects.

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