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The Best and Worst Food Combos for Health

2024-01-09 10:20:21 He Caixuan, a nutritionist from the Good Food Course, fish oil diagram.

To protect the intestines and eyes, almost everyone in modern times has a can of health food, but if you want to supplement everything, you can’t eat everything together! Nutritionist Sally He Caixuan from the Good Food Course has compiled common health food NG combinations to inform you.

Common mismatches of health foods

1. Drugs

Some people will arrange to take medicine and health food at the same time because they are afraid of forgetting to take medicine. However, some medicines may interact with health food. For example, taking vitamin A and psoriasis medicine together may cause the concentration of vitamin A in the body to be too high and cause death. In case of poisoning, it is recommended to take medicine and health food at least 2 hours apart to be on the safe side, or to consult a pharmacist first.


Just like medicines and health foods, try not to drink tea/coffee instead of water, because coffee and tea contain some oxalic acid, which binds minerals and has a slight diuretic effect, which will accelerate the excretion of B complex.

3.Alcoholic drinks

Drinking alcohol will hinder the absorption of nutrients and will also consume vitamin B1 to help metabolize alcohol. Therefore, supplementing nutrients after drinking alcohol actually supplements the nutrients but does not supplement them. It is better to drink less.

4. High oxalate foods

Chocolate, spinach, mustard greens, leeks, cashews, grapes and other foods are rich in oxalic acid. Excessive intake of these foods for a long time can easily affect the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.

The following health foods should be eaten separately

Lutein and β-carotene

Lutein and β-carotene are carotenoids that compete with each other during absorption. High doses of β-carotene will reduce lutein absorption.

Iron and calcium tablets

If iron and calcium are eaten at the same time, there will be an antagonistic effect on absorption, and they will compete with each other for absorption, resulting in a lower absorption rate. It is recommended that if you want to eat iron and calcium at the same time, you can choose one as the main nutritional supplement, such as high iron with low calcium, or low iron with high calcium. , if both supplements are of high dosage, it is recommended to take them separately.

High in fiber and calcium/iron

Dietary fiber binds to cations, thus reducing the absorption of calcium and iron.

Fish oil and calcium tablets

There has been debate for a long time as to whether fish oil and calcium tablets can be taken together. One school of thought is that ingesting high doses of fish oil will cause a saponification reaction with calcium in the alkaline environment of the intestines, reducing calcium absorption and easily causing gastrointestinal discomfort. Another theory is that saponification reaction occurs only in high temperature (above 70 degrees) and strong alkali environment, so taking fish oil and calcium tablets together will not affect absorption.

In this regard, nutritionists said that although there are currently no studies that have mentioned that fish oil and calcium will actually undergo a saponification reaction in the body, there are indeed cases where constipation problems are improved after eating them separately. Therefore, it is recommended that they be separated unless necessary. .

[ThisarticleispublishedwiththeauthorizationoftheGoodFoodCourseTheoriginaltitleis:[#OnePictureUnderstandsEat]Pairing health food with NG, the effect of eating them together will greatly deduct points.

Editor in charge: Gu Zihuan

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Health Food Fish Oil Beta-Carotene

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2024-01-09 02:20:21

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