This is the best counter Faramis version of ONE Esports.
The best Faramis hero counters are the most sought after lately. It’s nothing, Faramis’ attributes have drastically improved since getting a revamp in the last MLBB patch update.
Faramis now very strong and a priority pick until the tires in the high tier to competitive. Faramis really has complete abilities. He has an increasingly annoying CC, can heal, and makes the team fight team twice as strong because of his ultimate.
These attributes make Faramis very strong, especially against initiating roamers who are currently META, namely Franco, Atlas, etc.
Until now the public may still be confused about how to fight Faramis. No doubt this hero is banned more often. The reason is that he is confused against Faramis who incidentally can always initiate a teamfight.
Kidnapping him is not easy because the hero’s fast mobility can penetrate walls with his 1st skill.
The best Faramis hero counter
ONE Esports is trying to find the best way to counter Faramis. The best way apart from kidnapping him is to win the teamfight initiated by Faramis with a counter initiation.
This is clearly not easy and requires a hero who makes war durability also stronger.
Believe it or not, Estes could be the key against Faramis. keep in mind that the ultimate Faramis is only active once before cooldown, while the ultimate Estes which can heal significantly all the colleagues around can make the team’s durability stronger in war conditions.
The key is timing. Estes should really be able to take advantage of the moment when the war was initiated by the opponent Faramis.
Similar to Estes, Floryn also has a large healing capacity. Using it is much easier than Estes. He can do damage as well as healing to himself and his teammates. Moreover, Floryn also has a stun in his 2nd skill.
As one of the heroes who has global healing as well, Floryn can be very useful during a team fight against Faramis. But the key is the Floryn must be in the teamfight area. so that the durability of the teamfight can rely on skill 1 for a long time.
The hero who can maintain war durability against Faramis is Rafaela. Rafaela’s 2nd skill is really capable of providing an incredibly fast heal and mobility effect. This could be the key as well against Faramis.
This hero can also give a very high slow effect from his 1st skill. So even the opponent’s war with Faramis will not be maximized.
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