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The benefits of eating pork ©

Pork is a favorite of Romanians, hence the saying: the best vegetable is pork. However, you must know that, to benefit the body, it must be consumed in moderation. Which, without specifying that, it would be ideal to raise the pig in the most natural conditions possible because its meat will be much more nutritious and tender than that of pig raised with fertilizers, on farms.

It is beneficial for muscle development

Pork ranks first on the podium in terms of protein content and therefore has beneficial effects on the skin, eyes, bones, nervous system and mental performance. At the same time, it improves muscle activity and helps maintain muscle mass. You have to keep in mind that muscle mass must be maintained throughout life not only with proteins but also with physical activity.

In addition, it is very important how it is prepared. A pork grilled by ovenGrilled or steamed and with a side of vegetables, 100 grams of lean, fat-free pork provides about half an adult’s daily protein requirement.

At the opposite pole, if it is fried, baked bread, in combination with potatoes, rice, bread, it will become a calorie bomb, cholesterol will rise, digestion will suffer and you will normally get fat. That’s why you need to be careful with both the quantity and the combinations you choose to consume.

It strengthens the immune system

Furthermore, pork is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, vitamin B, which play an essential role in the normal functioning of the organism. Additionally, vitamin B6 helps to form red blood cells, B12 supports neural functions, and B3 is essential for development and metabolism. Furthermore, being rich in zinc, pork helps to strengthen the immune system.

Ensures the health of the circulatory system

It is already known that iron is an essential mineral for the transport of oxygen to cells and, implicitly, it is a determining factor for the health of the circulatory system.

However, it must be said that, in this context, red meat, especially pork, is closely related to the onset of cardiovascular diseases. However, moderate consumption on a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can only be beneficial.

Risks to health

As explained above, pork should be consumed in small quantities because it is very rich in proteins, but it must be chosen with care, without fat and necessarily cooked without oil.

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