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The Benefits of Cold Rice for Diabetes Sufferers: Nutritionist’s Explanation

KOMPAS.com – X’s social media (formerly Twitter) was filled with posts saying that cold rice because it is frozen is good for diabetes sufferers.

The post in the form of a thread was published by the account @katriel_scenny on Sunday (26/11/2023).

In the thread, the uploader initially explained a tutorial on how to cool rice or freeze rice and reheat it.

Then, in the same thread, the uploader said that frozen rice is good for diabetes sufferers or for those who just want to maintain their sugar intake.

In the thread he attached an image explaining how cold rice can lower blood sugar levels.

“Cooling rice can help reduce blood sugar spikes after eating, a new study shows,” wrote the explanation in the uploaded image.

“A type of carbohydrate called resistant starch develops when high-carbohydrate foods sit out after cooking. “Resistant starch can help balance blood sugar and regulate appetite and energy,” he adds.

As of Wednesday (6/12/2023), the upload had been viewed more than 227,300 times and liked more than 1,000 times.

Also read: Many people ask about Fried Rice Syndrome, what is it?

So, is cold rice really good for diabetes sufferers?

Nutritionist’s explanation

IPB nutritionist Anna Vipta Resti Mauludyani confirmed that cold rice is good for diabetes sufferers.

This is because cold rice can lower blood sugar levels, especially after eating.

“There are studies, but not frozen rice,” said Anna to Kompas.com, Friday (29/11/2023).

He revealed that there are two ways you can cool rice.

“In existing studies, the rice was cooled in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4 degrees for 24 hours,” he said.

“There are also those who only cool it at room temperature for 10 hours,” he continued.

According to him, both methods have the same two effects to provide the benefit of lowering a person’s blood sugar level.

“The effect is the same, because the glycemic index is lower, so it increases the blood sugar of diabetes patients less and lowers the sugar more quickly,” he said.

Apart from diabetes sufferers, according to him, the benefits of cold rice can also be obtained by healthy people in general.

“This is indeed related to the benefits of cold rice for diabetes patients, but for healthy people it can also be applied to reduce the risk of diabetes due to consumption of foods with a high glycemic index,” he said.

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Choices and alternatives to rice for diabetes sufferers

Separately, IPB nutritionist Ali Khomsan advised diabetes patients to choose dry rice over fluffier rice.

“What is recommended if diabetics want to eat rice is dry rice (not fluffier). “Because pera rice has a low glycemic index which is suitable for diabetes sufferers,” he said to Kompas.com, Wednesday (29/11/2023).

Ali said, there are other sources of carbohydrates to replace rice which have a lower glycemic index so they are good for diabetes sufferers.

“Other sources of carbohydrates besides rice that are relatively good are tubers such as taro and cassava,” he said.

Also read: Is it true that brown rice is much healthier than white rice?

Is it dangerous to have cold rice?

Even so, quoted from HealthLine, consuming cold rice and then reheating it can increase the risk of food poisoning due to Bacillus cereus.

Bacillus cereus can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, or vomiting within 15-30 minutes after consuming rice.

It is known that Bacillus cereus is a bacteria usually found in soil that can contaminate raw rice.

These bacteria have the ability to form spores that act as a shield and allow them to survive when rice is cooked.

Thus, cold rice may still be contaminated with bacteria, even after being cooked at high temperatures.

Bacillus cereus can grow quickly at temperatures between 4-60 degrees Celsius.

Therefore, if rice is allowed to cool, it causes the spores to germinate and reproduce, which then poses a risk of producing poison for humans.

Those who need to be careful are those who have weak immunity or immune systems, such as children, the elderly and pregnant women. All of these groups have a higher risk of being infected with this bacteria.

Also read: Often Used for Dieting, Get to Know 3 Side Effects of Brown Rice for the Body

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2023-12-06 13:30:00
#true #cold #rice #good #diabetes #sufferers #nutritionist #Kompas.com

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